posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 08:33 AM
Why is amazon pulling a book, merely because its considered offensive by some?
THe reviews on the site read
"This is the most stupid attempt by the arrogant American cowboys to fake a holy book "
"Over the centuries, the attempt to undermine the truth of the Quran were made by the Kafirs and Munaffiqun effordlessly"
"I just had "the pleasure" of reading some chapiters of the FALSE furqan & I should say that i'm happy that such a book has been published to
remind humanity that "al QURAN al karim" is truly the book of ALLAH "
What the hell is this all about? Who cares if the book upsets a bunch of people, its a book, sometimes they're controversial. Even if its a bunch
of anti-muslim propaganda, well, I bet they sell other controversial works of propaganda. Oh
look, they
do, they sell the Turner Diaries. Lets look at a review for it
"The only thing this book offers is a fictional embodiment of inconceivably naive and intellectually empty beliefs and fears"
And the only way anyone is able to say that is because they have read the book, so why pull the sale of this 'True Furqan'? And just who is anyone
to say that its somehow less legitimate than any other religious book? If the author(s) claim its divinely inspired and such, how is that any
different from mohammeds claim or the similar claims of the gospel editors and torah writers?
Here is a page about the book. I have not been able to read any of the book or the page, I don't know what the heck it says, i get the impression
that its anti-islamic propaganda.
[edit on 27-1-2005 by Nygdan]