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originally posted by: TDawg61
Heathens couldn't even tell what time it is with a clock.The countdown started with the establishment of Israel.3 major wars and she still stands,as prophesied.Revelations are quite explicit to the fate of Heathens during this time.
originally posted by: intrptr
Ha ha, the western version of tearing down and rebuilding some temple. The temple is already built, that big dome thingy.
originally posted by: schuyler
originally posted by: intrptr
Ha ha, the western version of tearing down and rebuilding some temple. The temple is already built, that big dome thingy.
A time-honored technique used by conquerors: co-opt the native religion and stick one of your own temples up there. Romans did it, too, and Christians are masters at it. Celebrate Christmas on the winter Solstice; celebrate the Spring Equinox as the Resurrection (Wow! THAT was convenient!) Unfortunately, the Christian/Muslim genocide partnership to extinguish the Jews was inefficient and left a few.
Unfortunately, the Christian/Muslim genocide partnership to extinguish the Jews was inefficient and left a few.
originally posted by: intrptr
originally posted by: yuppa
originally posted by: intrptr
originally posted by: yuppa
originally posted by: intrptr
Ha ha, the western version of tearing down and rebuilding some temple. The temple is already built, that big dome thingy.
Thats not the third temple of the jews though.
Not a temple? But there it sits.
But not a JEWISH ONLY one is it?
Don't be such a sore loser.
originally posted by: Slave2theTruth
a reply to: TheManFromTaured
Maybe the third temple will end up being the Trump Temple/Resort.
The Jews have shown serious restraint by not taking the Dome down. I mean they could easily do it. Lot of blood would be shed but Israel could do it and build the Temple.
originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: DISRAELI
Just for the sake of conversation, what good would Trump and Putin be able to bring to the table making this a reality?
I mean, the Israeli government seems the better choice, actually a requirement wouldn't you say.
Who in todays world would destroy an ancient Muslim temple, I guess they could move it...but I dont think this article could possibly be based on a probable reality, without starting an all out war 1st, not after.
originally posted by: TDawg61
Yes the 3rd temple will be rebuilt as prophesied.Soon after the anti-christ will proclaim himself God and defile it.
Start of Armageddon follows.
One of the prerequisites for building this Third Temple is not only Israeli sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem, as we've seen since 1967, but a very strange rite in the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Numbers, where a red heifer is to be produced and then sacrificed and burnt into ashes.
And these ashes are used to purify, mixed with water. Until this is done, the Orthodox rabbis in Jerusalem will tell you, there can be no Third Temple. Now, you would expect this to be a very Jewish kind of an affair. What do rabbis know about cattle raising? In fact, we've had reports in Israel of Israelis raising cattle, trying to produce this red heifer
originally posted by: yuppa
originally posted by: intrptr
originally posted by: yuppa
originally posted by: intrptr
originally posted by: yuppa
originally posted by: intrptr
Ha ha, the western version of tearing down and rebuilding some temple. The temple is already built, that big dome thingy.
Thats not the third temple of the jews though.
Not a temple? But there it sits.
But not a JEWISH ONLY one is it?
Don't be such a sore loser.
Its not a SYnagogue though. Im not the Loser here. Its a JEWISH ONLY TEMPLE that is rebuilt. The current one will be destroyed that sits there.
originally posted by: DeathSlayer
a reply to: TheManFromTaured
Thread already exist.......