posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to:
Hi welcome to ATS. I have the nightmares too; sleep paralysis, night terrors, OoBE's, etc....I have even seen the shadow beings during hypnogogic
states on several occasions. Though, I have never heard voices.
Don't listen to the voices. You are probably not crazy, but you may be experiencing direct influence from demons. They can incept ideas and
information directly into our minds (hence the unknown language that you can now spontaneously speak). There are angels and demons all around us, but
our only sanctioned source of truth should come directly from God (the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth), else, how can you tell if a being is
really communicating the truth to you??? Evil entities can and will present themselves to you as creatures of light. I have seen two people in my life
loose control of their souls as a result of "higher entities of light".
You can PM me if you like. I can share what I know with you from a different perspective, but other than that I wont get into any further details
Be safe, guard your soul.
edit on 5-12-2016 by BELIEVERpriest because: restructured sentence