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The "Trib" Article

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posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 11:11 PM

Here is some lesser know information about the Obama regime. If you follow the money and catch little breaks like this, it becomes easier to see the bigger picture. We are only allowed to see the image that they project and cowardly avoid what lies underneath the veil.

This e-mail is from where you would expect to find it.

The "Trib" Article


From:[email protected]

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Date: 2008-11-24 06:13 Subject:

Fw: Trib article

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----

From: Steve Phillips

Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 23:34:29

To: Herb Sandler

Subject: Trib article

Bay Area couple helped grow think tank

By Josh Richman Oakland Tribune

Updated: 11/23/2008 09:45:03 PM PST

The Sandler Foundation

A list of grants: Link

"It is about them, not us."

Whenever you hear someone rich and influential say that, you should immediately think the opposite. Run for the hills!

"It's about us, not them."

In my opinion, it's a subliminal tactic used on the public. Most of us overlook the obvious lack of control that society has adopted over the course of history and once it has been relinquished, it's almost impossible to get it back.

This is especially true if it comes from a Billionaire's mouth, which explains the apprehension that plagues this election cycle. It takes a strong person to put aside some of their ideals if they wish to coexist peacefully with others.

A liberal think tank helping to shape the incoming Obama administration's personnel and policy owes its existence in part to a pair of East Bay billionaire banking moguls.

Herb and Marion Sandler made their fortune by building Oakland-based Golden West Financial Corp. — parent company of World Savings Bank — into one of the nation's largest savings and loans, before selling it to Wachovia Bank two years ago for $24.2 billion.

Gee, no reason at all to believe that special interests have taken place of our own. The government has forgotten who it serves and with Trump winning the election, he may very well run the country like his own personal business. Gains are often made for some at the expense of the many.

edit on 2-12-2016 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 11:11 PM

But of all their investments, helping to launch the Center for American Progress in 2003 and helping to bankroll it since — in total, an estimated $20 million — could prove most far-reaching. Professor Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, said the Sandlers must be pleased with the crop that has grown from their seed money.

"Why do you form a think tank like that? In order to influence the policy and personnel of your party's next administration, and obviously they've done that," he said. "It's obvious they've had an impact, and a major one. "... To have this many people associated with the organization being tapped in senior positions is impressive."

For example:

- Center for American Progress president and CEO, former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, is now on leave, serving as one of three co-leaders of President-elect Barack Obama's transition team.

- Former CAP Executive Vice President of Policy Melody Barnes, a longtime aide to U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., is one of three co- leaders of Obama's agency-review team, overseeing the incoming administration's department-by-department changes.

- CAP distinguished senior fellow Tom Daschle, the former Senate majority leader from South Dakota, has been selected as Obama's secretary of health and human services.

The list goes on. And lest one think all Obama administration roads will run through CAP's H Street office only up until Inauguration Day, Podesta has ruled out taking any administration post himself — a sign that he hopes CAP will be the predominant policy clearinghouse that shapes this presidency's policies, much as the Heritage Foundation did for President Ronald Reagan, the Progressive Policy Institute did for President Bill Clinton and the American Enterprise Institute did for President George W. Bush.

This next part is very important...

The always-prolific center seems to have kicked into overdrive in recent weeks, producing an avalanche of white papers, conference calls and events on such topics as relations with Pakistan, protecting U.S. chemical facilities from terrorist attacks, and using energy efficiency investments to kick-start the sagging economy.

"Clearly the people who were interested in creating this kind of foundation were interested in having this kind of influence," said Jack Knott, dean of the University of Southern California's School of Planning, Policy and Development and an adviser to its Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.

Knott said CAP denotes something new, in that most private foundations that have found significant funding and achieved success in helping frame an administration's personnel and policy have been politically conservative.

Democrats "have had party-based think tanks, but not as much this kind of independent think tank, and I think for them (CAP's benefactors), this is exactly what they were hoping for," he said.

If I'm understanding the words in bold correctly, the party-based think tanks that run our country are nothing more than rich powerful "individuals" with enough money and influence to shape the future of nations.

Here are some of those individuals...

Herb and Marion Sandler, 77 and 78, respectively, are among CAP's biggest benefactors; others reportedly include financier George Soros, insurance mogul Peter Lewis and real estate heir-movie mogul Steve Bing.

And CAP is but one of the Sandlers' progressive policy investments; they've also given significantly to the American Civil Liberties Union,, America Votes, ACORN, the Rocky Mountain Institute, Human Rights Watch and many other organizations.

They've supported such causes for a long time, but stepped up their philanthropy since selling Golden West in 2006 and dumping almost $1.3 billion into their San Francisco-based Sandler Family Supporting Foundation to dole out to their favorite causes.

But the Sandlers' specific interest in CAP has been clear; Marion Sandler remains one of its eight directors.

Definitely a good place to start your research. For example, it would help us to discover what the expected returns are for their investments or whether any of their minions have infiltrated the opposite party. I hope some of you feel compelled enough to track these "benefactors" down and expose them for all that they are.

The Sandlers didn't answer a request for an interview for this article. They've taken some heat in recent months, accused by some of irresponsibly offering the kind of adjustable-rate mortgages that have put so many homeowners in danger of foreclosure in the past two years; critics accused them of dumping this bad debt on Wachovia, which went belly-up and agreed to be sold to Wells Fargo in early October. The Sandlers have defended their business practices, contending their loans weren't made to borrowers with bad, "subprime" credit records and didn't drag down Wachovia.


As you can see, Obama was bought from the beginning and just played his role. There is a spring of money flowing into almost every president's coffer and every cent must be paid back in policy. I wonder what it costs to stick your hand up someone's ass and make them walk and talk in your favor?

I hope you've learned something by reading this and decide to help expose these tyrants. I believe the original article was available at one point, but I had trouble finding it. Regardless, few would have taken the time to understand it's full implications.

It's all about perception.

Some things appear roughly beyond our control and even worse, beyond what we know to exist. The weakest link will often lead to the biggest reward. You just have to wait until there's a break.

edit on 2-12-2016 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2016 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: eisegesis

Good points, Eisegesis.

Tho, most of us have known for a long time that the puppets at the top are bought and paid for, and do the bidding of those who control the strings.

Trump is not more immune to this (I'm afreaid) then Obama, either Bush, Clinton, or anyone else. JFK tried to buck the system the hardest, and you know what happened to him.

Why do you think all the campaign promises are almost all smoke with no actual fire?

It IS finding these strings and exposing them to the bright light of truth, that is necessecary in order to bring the corruption to an end, and keep it from rearing its ugly head.

Sadly, the people in this country are not as vigilant as they should be, and as long as joe-sixpack and suzy-salon can get their beer and hair done, and chill on the couch watching the latest reality tv, or playing their micro-transaction games nothing will be done.

Which saddens me to no end, as the reality we are makes us all cattle-like slaves.

I will start digging tho.

posted on Dec, 2 2016 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Cygnis

It might be obvious to a few conspiracy nuts, but the way some people talk about and defend progressive liberalism are forgetting that almost every policy was designed by a bunch of billionaires. Last time I checked, there are no billionaires on Earth that are looking out for my well-being.

Oh wait...

I will start digging tho.

Thank you and good luck. There are two ways to approach this, depending on the final outcome of this election. After Trump is sworn in (unless Hillary pulls a rabbit out of her ass), these will be the groups of people and their foundations that will diligently try to undermine any conservative/nationalistic policies emerging in the years to come. These groups and individuals will also supplement Obama and his attempts to disrupt Trump's oppositional policies.

Any unwinding that Trump does will take them twice as long to fix, though he is just another billionaire which scares me. Unless the establishment can disguise their efforts as bipartisan, designed in general to work in their favor once they're back in control, Trump is going to take some serious heat. If Hillary somehow wins, we at least have a clear understanding of the company that she would be keeping, along with similar ideologies derived from Alinsky and Kissinger nestled deeply in the back of her mind.

For now, it takes "blame Obama" to a whole new level.

edit on 2-12-2016 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

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