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Sean Hannity's message to the press: You've been exposed as fake

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posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 05:51 PM
So hannity and fox are not part of the press or are they "real news"?

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: TrueBrit

Sean Hannity is a propagandist and is in no position to point fingers when it is his viewers/listeners, along with the rest of Fox News and Right Wing talk radio, that continues to create an audience that is among the most poorly-informed.

Sean Hannity has been doing a very nice job lately of pointing out the Clinton corruption and hypocrisy of the entire left wing establishment. That isn't poorly informed at all, it is empowered.

But then it does disagree with your views so that's why they are "poorly informed" It's the same line the leftists use whenever people don't think like them.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Hannity has been talking crap for an awful lot longer than he has been talking sense. If you had a memory which extended back further than this electoral period, you would recognise that. He's a bad egg, and you will wish you had kept him out of your omelette, so to speak.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

There is no such thing as an unbiased news source. Why so upset over one who is so blatant and obvious? I find it entertaining and enlightening, the same goes for any source on the left(even the 'true' left). It's best to familiarize with the propaganda techniques used, and utilize those tools to promote your own ideological imperatives.

Maybe you should pay more attention to him, you have no idea how powerful the message conveyed over Trump bargaining for Carrier to stay in the US truly is.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer
Hannity's message to the press: You've been exposed as fake

A Rare mainstream piece, Sean Hannity exposes CNN as fake news. And he hit them where it hurts, ouch.
There are still some good reporters in mainstream media. It(MSM) is not completely discredited, least not yet.

However, i'm still surprised mainstream would air this piece.
DIsclaimer: I'm not for Fox News , however; sometimes they do speak out the truth. Characters like Bill Reilly (Who I used to find annoying, still do find him annoying but its lessened now since he covered George Soros.) And Sean Hannity, who in my opinion has been doing a good job as of late by covering some truth that other media outlets refuse to report on. They May have their moments of common sense. (Unless it is a legit source of alternative media which many of us have been forced into relying on.)

Published on Nov 29, 2016 -by: Fox News

Thought ATS would delight on this story.

Meanwhile, Hannity was an utter, shameless shill for Bush Jr. through his illegal wars (which killed hundreds of thousands), institution of torture (war crime), and Patriot Act....

Good journalist my ass.

posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 11:48 PM
No matter who is saying it this doesn't change the fact that CNN has been completely biased in favor of Clinton and desperately trying to demonize Trump.

They should be shut down for being exposed as agents of a corrupt agenda against the people.

posted on Dec, 2 2016 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: TrueBrit

Sean Hannity is a propagandist and is in no position to point fingers when it is his viewers/listeners, along with the rest of Fox News and Right Wing talk radio, that continues to create an audience that is among the most poorly-informed.

Sean Hannity has been doing a very nice job lately of pointing out the Clinton corruption and hypocrisy of the entire left wing establishment. That isn't poorly informed at all, it is empowered.

But then it does disagree with your views so that's why they are "poorly informed" It's the same line the leftists use whenever people don't think like them.

It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing. Follow the link and do a bit of research on the issue. Fox News viewers and Right Wingers in general tend to be very misinformed or uninformed.

In fact, they are more uninformed then people that do not watch news at all. That is sad.

posted on Dec, 2 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

I'm unaware of proposed laws to silence climate change denial, so I cannot comment. However "outrage" in response to climate change denial? Easy. People are free to passionately deny it. Others are free to passionately disagree. This is called discourse and there's nothing wrong with it.

It goes beyond that. As I said...there were proposals legal wise to silence the deniers. There's a thread about it. I'm not sure how far it went...but the mere notion of it being discussed.

Again, I denigrate anti-vaccers because I disagree with them - which does not inhibit in any way their freedom to speak their opinions.

Your disagreement doesnt...but dont tell me that system hasnt tried to stamp them out. Isnt the admin trying to push for mandatory vaccination ?

Same song, different verse. Again. Nobody is stopping anyone from rejecting Islam. They are merely commenting upon it.

commenting ? with Racist, bigot, a fool ? Again...the EU and US are actually demanding acceptance of Islam. Keep on banging about how it's a part of the west and we should all make sacrifices towards it. It's not up for the debate....

I have seen a ton of opinions about Islam that I would categorically call out as uninformed or bigoted.

uninformed is really irrelevant. I JUST DONT WANT IT IN MY HOUSE !!!!!!! I can be stupid as you like...but you wont give me a benefit of freedom of will just call me bigot.

However there are legal exceptions to the First Amendment and slander / libel is on the list of things not covered by it.

isnt burning a flag a slander towards all those that believe in it. You might be indifferent about it...but there are certainly people that love the flag...and what it stands for. Does their freedom of expression not matter then ?

It's no different than you making rules about your own home.

Being in the EU, im not allowed to do that anymore. Even refugee crowd are actually saying we must be made to share forcefully if not voluntarily.

but there seems to be a misconception going around that "Freedom of Speech" equals "Freedom from response or criticism" and that is simply not the case.

I see plenty of stuff which is not allowed to be criticized. can do it legally perhaps...but the the hammer goes down on you pretty quickly.

In liberal are not allowed to criticize CC or Islam.

Anyone is free to say just about anything they want ( short of libel, slander, threats of violence or expressions of criminal intent, incitement to riot and fomenting insurrection

So what do you think...flag burning for instance...not incitement to riot ? no threat of violence ? no fomenting insurection ?

I'm YES on all three accounts.

Also...why are Islamic extremist allowed to walk freely among us...allowed to spread their ideology. People like Anjem Choudary...or extremist groups downtown New York..dispensing flyers about violent Jihad on the west.

All have their freedom of expression. How lovely.

It's the foundation of a free society. Without it? Well without it we're North Korea with more land and fancier cars.

So by allowing MSM outright lying and scheming against the public, colluding with one side to force the establishment's point of somehow not making you into North Korea...?

I would make a point that it does just that...what MSM pulled during the last election...and we should now just forget about exactly what is making you look like North Korea.

posted on Dec, 2 2016 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

And Fox news was objective while Bush was in office? Umm, no. Fox was Bush's unquestioning cheerleader! Fox is clearly trying to weasel out of their role in this whole thing as being the best friend of the military industrial complex and big oil. We'll see how they cover Trump. CNN is the fake Democrat news while Fox is the fake Republican news. That said, foxes are known to be clever so lets see if they can figure out how to not shill... they know the gig is up and may not be as suicidal as the others.

posted on Dec, 2 2016 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: bluesjr

I just speak my mind about reality and I don't mind being frank about it either. Sometimes the truth hurts. Deal with it.

Here is the thing and where we both collide. Your reality is NOT my reality. I know for a fact that there is a global conspiracy trying to enslave mankind and I will do everything in my power to stop it. You on the other hand, deny this FACT which is my reality. As I myself deny yours. Following me so far? Cause this is an example:

to me YOU are the nutcase
to you I am a nut case

yet you try to force your reality unto me and others. Yea we conspiracy researchers expose these things to force what we know as truth to the public. But see, this is where discernment comes into play. Who actually possess the moral highground between both ideologies.

To be moral is to be against EVERYTHING that is immoral.

You will not convert me into your ways. As I am sure I wont convert you into mine. But if you call me a nutcase, I will make sure it backfires on you because I know my own reality and I know for a fact I am NOT a nutcase. Just as you know for yourself you are not a nutcase.

What I am trying to point out is the difference in ideologies and your intolerance into accepting that this is what me and so many others are identified as. The proof of this is Trump winning especially after he exposed globalism. Does that not tell you that there are many who share my own ideology?

I am against globalism and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, and im sure many will agree, you cannot and will not change us into YOUR reality. trying to force your reality unto us is also a declaration of war in its own right.

And this is a prime example on how we are as a nation, divided into conflict. Is that our fault or is it the fault of people who does not care about you nor me? tell me, what has politicians done for you personally? Aside from poisoning you in foods and water /fluoride?

I have seen the evidences myself so really, you have no right to really call anyone else a nut. Perhaps we are both nutcases in the end. But what gives you the right to say what is true? Because other people say so? I am not that naive, even with sources like infowars I make sure to fact check because really I dont trust neither government, nor its minions.

I have an Indian heritage within me, and to me the corporations and banks are the bullies destroying the Earth with their insanity. Does this make me racist or a white supremacist just because I wanted to see what trump does against these Globalists?

Im not saying this to cause you strife, but you probably will be triggered anyways when im simply giving an example on what happens when two different ideologies call each other insane. It is a recipe for an all out war, and that is how we are as a nation.

The funny thing is, this is all done by design by the power elite, which you most likely deny the existence of.

Just for a clarification, this was not an attack against you. This is just an example.

that being said, I think metallicus puts who our mutual enemy into the light

What We are REALLY Up Against...

Right now, this is us: Sooner or later we will both eventually see the same thing.

edit on nd2016000000Fridaynd000000Fri, 02 Dec 2016 19:57:17 -0600fAmerica/ChicagoFri, 02 Dec 2016 19:57:17 -0600 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2016 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

I would love to see Trump refuse access to all the sell outs in the MSM. He should hand pick his press himself, and get Ben Swann, and a few of the other respectable journalists to cover him.

I am having trouble naming more than just Ben. Weird.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

Why are you so triggered? I wasn't even talking to you in that post.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: SoulSurfer

Why are you so triggered? I wasn't even talking to you in that post.

I wasn't triggered
I said:

Just for a clarification, this was not an attack against you. This is just an example.

I was explaining to you in a calm matter through examples. It was not an attack nor a triggering. We may not meet eye to eye but I don't blindly attack people. I simply stated a point using various examples on what happens when two different ideologies collide and how in the end, neither side will sway the other.

I mean no offense and I apologize if the post came out that way.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

Well you posted something from They Live, that's not how I see the world though. That is too simplistic and makes it seem like the elite all have uniform ideas for the world. They don't. Here is how I see the state of America today. We just elected President Camacho.

edit on 5-12-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Is he a journalist, though?

Or is he an entertainer?

edit on 781Monday000000America/ChicagoDec000000MondayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

Sean Hannity did it again yesterday. This is a follow up to the OP.

Hannity: The abusively biased press doesn't get it

edit on th2016000000Tuesdayth000000Tue, 06 Dec 2016 08:49:28 -0600fAmerica/ChicagoTue, 06 Dec 2016 08:49:28 -0600 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: WUNK22
Sean is great, comes off honest. Unlike say, Rachel Madcow or the good reverend Al, both Main Stream reporters of the left MSNBC

comes off honest??....hahahahaha, only to those that love him

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 02:53 PM
"Whitelash?" -- really? A...White Lash? "Referring to the man claiming this in the attached video."

My God man -- wake up and smell the rotting presidential candidate that was propped up 'damn the torpedoes' style by the DNC!

Whitelash? What a lazy way to try to explain what happened.

They're like children who can't own up and take responsibility for their own actions! It was a 'backlash' by the American people in a reactive way to counteract the completely wildly unreasonable candidate that was HRC. Give me Trump 10 out of 10 times over HRC 8 days a week. "I was a Bernie supporter," but HRC was just absurd as a candidate.

posted on May, 31 2017 @ 02:21 AM
May 30, 2017

Today, SEAN HANNITY ripped into Mr. Rachel MadCow!

""Fox News’ Sean Hannity broke his 5 day silence on Twitter by unleashing a tweet-storm on ultra left-wing Rachel Maddow.
Sean Hannity’s advertisers were recently targeted by George Soros’ Media Matters following Hannity’s reporting on slain DNC staffer, Seth Rich.

Hannity has been accused by the left for reporting ‘conspiracy theories’ so Hannity retweeted a series of fake news articles proving Rachel Maddow has reported many false stories.

Sean Hannity retweeted 21 different tweets, mainly from an account called ‘Stop the Scalpings’ defending Sean Hannity while attacking liberal counterpart, Rachel Maddow. In one tweet, Stop the Scalpings linked to their website, Media Equalizers‘ which listed Rachel Maddow’s advertisers with contact info, emails and phone numbers.

See the Hannity Tweet-storm here:

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

And yet CNN are doing better than ever, as are the NY Times.

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