posted on Nov, 30 2016 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to:
The Hill article didn't mention that gun background checks are a violation of the first amendment to free speech. If someone is so dangerous they
cannot have a firearm without expected to be using it in a violent crime, they need to be in prison, not on the street. Only people who have abused
their rights to firearms or committed a sufficiently violent crime should have their firearm taken away. But even that requires an amendment to the
constitution, which absolutely in no way makes exceptions to people with felony convictions having their firearms taken away.
Citizenship may sometimes involve waiving certain rights in return for certain security. However, that cannot be the case unless without an amendment
to the US constitution. For example, the worst amendment in the US constitution did nothing to outlaw slavery but in fact specifically enabled it in
saying "slavery... except as a punishment for crime... shall exist within the United States". So it was already a natural right to not be a slave, but
then this amendment came along and specifically made it okay to be a slave "as a punishment for a crime". Quite disgraceful, but unsurprising because
the same ingrates who desecrated the constitution then proceeded to get hundreds of thousands of American lives slaughtered for the stated reason of
disallowing states to leave the union with or without slavery in the words of Lincoln, the most bloody tyrant in the history of the USA who didn't
batt an eye before imprisoning journalists and otherwise spitting all of the US constitution.
Nobody I know has ever bothered to lift a finger to show that background checks do something to improve anything whatsoever. All they know is the
checks give them a sense of power and force peons to acknowledge their authority. They don't give a damn if background checks accomplish anything. The
Hill couldn't care less. The moment I heard about background checks being implemented I looked at the studies. The studies showed, contrary to all
common sense whatsoever, that
MENTALLY INSANE PEOPLE TENDED TO BE SAFER with firearms. So obviously what actually works is irrelevant to thugs
at the Hill who want nothing more than self-righteous power and indignation of the "lessers" . Pathetic! Sad. Disgusting. A real downer on humanity in
general. We are not a civilization if we cannot bother to lift a finger to find out what works and what doesn't with preventing crimes. No, this is
not a civilization, but a joke run by a band of thugs like the authors of The Hill.