posted on Nov, 30 2016 @ 01:22 AM
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Hey DerBeo, I always find your Deutsche perspective interesting.
Are you "native" German?
Your comment of "German" Turks is interesting.
Here in the Great Southern Land, we have many post war Greeks and Italians, they are 2nd and 3rd generation now...
Funnily, when they return to "The Old Country" even if they weren't born there, they are still considered "Greek or Italian" before they are
I think even Ferrrari, would like to have Daniel Richiardo in the team, to at last have an "Italian" driver.....instead of those Germans all the time.
My British colony, was populated with many 1000s of Prussians in the mid 1800s......there are as many Old German names here as Germany....
Even I have Prussian/Deutsche blood.
So, If I come back to Germany for a trip, would I be considered German? or Australian? (which is only a very modern country since 1901).
At least the Turks, know they are Turks, and have a homeland....
edit on 30-11-2016 by gort51 because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-11-2016 by gort51 because: (no reason given)