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DAPL is Incomprehensible...Period!!

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posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 05:23 AM
I can't believe that we all just celebrated Thanksgiving Day not to mention the election of DJ Trump just weeks prior. Uuuuugggghhhhhh!!!!!!! Do the half of you know what that symbolizes? I'm half of what you all call Native American, 1/4 black and 1/4 white. I'm half Native because both my parents were half Native. I'm proud to say this. I'm also acknowledged by both the Blackfoot and Apache tribes of respective states and that means everywhere, which means I mean something everywhere throughout the US and all it's states.

BTW, You're not building a wall along part of the Arizona border because 22% of it belongs to my people, the T'hono O'odham people. Go ahead and try it....grant yourself a serious lose if you choose, but you WILL NOT GET IT!!!! Obama didn't try but Trump, certainly will not proceed in trying....not only is that a promise, it's the law of our nation with your nation the US (treaty, which your federal government signed and thinks it can reconcile...but it will never happen), our law or your US law.

Trump knew this when he made those baseless claims to you. You were just to ignorant to know about previous treaties or current laws, but Trump knows. Ya' better catch up on your American Government laws and your Indian Affairs Laws. Ever heard the term "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You?" No? Well we know that term.

We'll serve it up appropriately as well. The news story is very low right now. Keep on pushing into our lands and you will have a fight on your hands like you haven't seen since your US Civil War, which was very unthoughtful and the South lost that one and the government will loose this one if your government pursues. You can only go so far. Don't ever want to see NATO or the UN in the US, then step off, because we're not going anywhere, we were here before your ships landed, we were here when the white and black pirates came, we were here when you had nothing....nothing to eat and nowhere to live. We've been backstabbed one too many times, No More!!!!

The dogs and water....pfffff, who cares and who the hell do you think you are? I can tell you, that you're not what you think you are not here not amongst the majority which doesn't include you, not in our land...that's for dam sure! All your history comprises of taking lands and conquer....we don't care about your conquering nature or ways one does except your small majority. We encountered your beasts with the Enslaved Africans, Chinese and Hispananolas and we'll do it again with the blacks, mexicans, yellows and any other color you can think of. We'll get there with your own people at the forefront, so stop! You have no justifiable let alone any moral rights. None whatsoever.

GTFO Now!! We're not leaving and your attempts are futile and a waste of the US tax payer. Once they learn how much US Tax Dollars you spent on'll seriously have a problem. Just go home...we're already home and we're not leaving. This has always been our home long, long, long, long, long before you got here. You're lucky you tricked us, you''re lucky you're here but, don't think your presence is infinite because it''s not. We think you know that.

BTW, stop telling everyone to go back to their homeland, why don't you start with yourselves and freaking go back to your European lands? How does that feel, huh? That's where you're from right? Then kick rocks....GO! Don't tell my people that we need to let you run your nasty pipeline through our lands. Run that nasty sh!t through your European homelands. Oh, that's don't have any nasty sh!t to run through your lands...more than likely why you won't leave. I would imagine if you did have nasty black, oily Sh!t, you would have polluted your OWN people by now at any costs. Ya' ain't running that Sh!t through here patna"!! Watch how many folks back us up! You all are laughing now with your dogs and water, but you won't be laughing soon. Oh, and BTW, the blanket trick won't work again. None of your tricks will work anymore. We got smart and we have help,

None of us (as I am a devout member of the Apache Tribe) choose any form of war or incivility, yet, you have left us holding on to promises made by the US Government yet, your unwavering determination to take my ancestors land will no doubt end in bloodshed. Treaties and promises were made and once our land was given back to the rightful owners we agreed. So did you. You can't go back on that.

All of a sudden, you want to break treaties and laws to run poison through our lands. We Won't Have It!!!!! We will not give up so, bring all your watering hoses and whatever else you can muster, we guess dogs then guns. We will not leave. We were here first, NOT YOU! You do not and can not make claim of a land of that our ancestors died for. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!

We may be few, but we have many that
can and will stand against you. What you are attempting is ILLEGALl!!!

Does your own word of law only apply when it benefits you? Guess what, you landed on our land and we gave most up but we still hold a lot and you AMERICA, will not take it from us for any amount of dollars or any amount blood. Want to re-create something like this 1325-1911 and beyond?

# THANKSGIVING......I'm sure my ancestors wished they would have let you #ers starve to dearh!!!!!!!
None of us would have been here and none of us would be fighting, but that's history right

The only other race on this planet to endure such hardship as the Native American are Africans. You're just wrong and you all need to stop. We (Both Tribes) don't care about money but, stop Fing with our Sh!t!!
edit on 11/26/16 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

I am half indian and a quater black and quarter white. Crazy lol

Preach on

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: ColinForReal

I'm not sure if you were calling me crazy or if it's just a crazy situation. But what's going on in N. Dakota needs to stop. It will spread and soon if we don't put an end to it.

Bless your soul

edit on 11/26/16 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Nah man im genuine af. Im not blackfoot though, im creek

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Then I suggest you guys make sure your border with Mexico is secured against illegal crossing into our Nation.

Otherwise, you will learn first hand about some of the things you're ranting about.

I understand there is plenty of vacant real estate in Detroit we could set you guys up in. For your own good of course

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Does it matter who is what? Im a white Aussie but im not out out doing a song and dance about it.
edit on 26-11-2016 by muSSang because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1
So many fallacies , but not enough time

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: muSSang
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Does it matter who is what? Im a white Aussie but im not out out doing a song and dance about it.

Nor a hate Trump thread

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Why should legal European immigrants or people now considered Americans leave? Sounds idiotic as if laws and history weren't understood.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: ThePublicEnemyNo1
# THANKSGIVING......I'm sure my ancestors wished they would have let you #ers starve to dearh!!!!!!!
None of us would have been here and none of us would be fighting, but that's history right

Nope, not history at all, more an urban legend.

Have a Snickers Bar, you seem angry.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

"You you you... blah blah blah... you you you"

Do you like being a foot soldier for the very powers that you are really railing against? Do you even understand that you are empowering them and weakening your own position? Do you care? Or do you just want to feed your pride and ego for your own vain glory?

In case you haven't noticed, the federal government has screwed pretty much anyone and everyone, and will continue to do so as long as we let them. Including all those "yous" -- who are really all of us. Your own people couldn't stop them, but somehow you blame the rest of us for not stopping them?

Have you noticed how White protesters are up there with the protesters? How many White people have supported them and their efforts? Is that not a cause for thanks giving? Apparently not to you. but it is to me.

You will never "win" if you don't understand who the real enemy is.

Please take a closer look.

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 08:12 PM
Getting sick of this native holier than thou crap. We came. We saw. We conquered. You lost.. sorry. That's the way the world works. Time to move on and stop expecting handouts for past injustices. And you sure aren't all holier than thou when you're conning us out of our money in your casinos are ya?
edit on 26-11-2016 by hombero because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2016 by hombero because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2016 by hombero because: (no reason given)

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