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Just for Fun...Riddle me this

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posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 10:51 AM
This one should be pretty easy.

A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

What am I?

Who can be the first to get it right?

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Tekaran

Pot of gold?

ETA: I guess not, it says it is a box of some sorts.

edit on 23-11-2016 by iTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

Not the answer I was looking for, but a great answer nevertheless!

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Tekaran

An egg

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: semperfortis
a reply to: Tekaran

An egg

Did you know it already or google it?

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: semperfortis

Got it!

The turkey avatar helped didn't it! Nice Job!

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

I just googled it, and it came up with some Tolkien sites, so perhaps if someone has read some of his stuff, it could have helped. I have a bunch of these saved for playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I pulled this one out.

edit on 23-11-2016 by Tekaran because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

It's been around awhile...

Good one though..

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Tekaran
a reply to: semperfortis
Got it!

The turkey avatar helped didn't it! Nice Job!

I was gonna say beehive.

Honey is golden, egg yoke is yellow.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:13 AM
I was confused how an egg could be associated with a box..until I found this:

Square Eggs

and now my world is right again..

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I actually like that answer better than an egg!

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Tekaran

That was the answer back in olden days. Egg works too.

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Tekaran
never would of guessed any of these, egg, beehive, etc.. to me a box is square..?

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:48 AM
.. or the mind

(thinking outside of the box)

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: ware2010

being boxed in just really means contained in all directions, you don't say encircled and expect a perfectly round circle etc.

posted on Nov, 27 2016 @ 03:43 PM
If "Sphinx" Is Pronounced "Saving Us!"

And If It Is Comprised Of:


Snake/Head, Body, Tail...

Why Then Is It:

"What Has 2 Heads, 2 Bodies, 2 Horns, 2 Wings, 2 Tails... And Lurks In The Shadows???

The Hints Are Everything Above The Question.....

posted on Nov, 29 2016 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: blend57
I was confused how an egg could be associated with a box..until I found this:

Square Eggs

and now my world is right again..

I wondered the same. Thanks for such a good explanation!

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