posted on Nov, 22 2016 @ 07:04 PM
I gotta say, based on the faces of the millennials in my classes, it's business as usual in America.
But to me it feels sorta like the republic just became the empire. Sort of like how Anakin became Vader. The empire betrayed, and murdered, the
" From a certain point of view. "
Post-truth post-11/9 America is a good place to be a Jedi. A Jedi can read the archetypal currents in the collective unconscious and orient
accordingly. He doesn't need media. He can swim, float, or dive in those waters.
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” ―Joseph Campbell
Not such a good place to be an average concerned citizen!
When I was young, America shared a handful of news sources. Then cable tv came and changed all that. And Rush Limbaugh came along. Ugh. I miss the
simple days.
I feel like right-wing half truths and spin doctoring have done a personal injustice to Hillary. That's not the same as saying she's a perfected
human being. It's just that people have been drinking RWNJ kool aid too deeply, methinks.
I feel like Putin & others tampered in our election. It's invalid. It should've gone to H. But hey, I still love you guys.