a reply to:
During my time here on ATS I've read "personal" type posts/threads (not too much unlike this one). While it's certainly not a requirement, I always
appreciate it when the OP returns to let us know what happened.
Here's my follow-up.
The night before Thanksgiving I sent another text to my brother, letting him know that "turkey time" was about 3:30 but he could definitely come much
earlier to catch-up with everyone (and that we'd be playing the parade and Charlie Brown on a loop in the back-ground).
No response.
Thanksgiving morning I sent him a final text essentially saying I was hoping he (and his wife/daughter) could make it but if not.... Wished him a
Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving.
He finally responded.... "I'm not going there today."
I was a bit disappointed but was already into my prep work so didn't have time (nor desire) to dwell on it.
Our first Thanksgiving in the new house was absolutely wonderful. Like Norman Rockwell wonderful. Food turned out great. Our 5 year old son was in
absolute family-heaven with so many relatives around.
After everything was said and done, and after the house was put back in order (I can't say how much I love having a dish-washer, by the way).... I did
what many of us do. I went on social media to see what my friends/colleagues were up to and how their holidays went.
Of course the same photos I posted were the same as everyone else's. Pictures of the decorated house. Pictures of the Turkey and sides. Pictures of
kids and crazy-ol' relatives. It's kinda lame and boring but I love seeing that stuff (even though I know people only post the "good" stuff and never
people in the midst of heated arguments and things like that... hehehe).
Anyway, even though I wasn't expecting it... I was hoping to see a few photos posted by my brother or his wife, showing that they hade made their own
little Thanksgiving. Not necessarily all-out, full fledge Thanksgiving party... but just a little something to break away from my suspicion that he
was just sitting there brooding. Unfortunately, nothing.
I'm not sure what everyone's schedule is for Christmas (meaning I don't know whether Eve or Day or maybe the night before Eve will be at our
house)..... but.... I'll be inviting him and for everyone's sake.... I hope he accepts the invitation.
Anyway... there you have it.