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Multicultulerism and diversity...why ?

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posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Question for you Op.

Is your sole intention as a member here to post anti muslim threads? Is your only goal to spread and incite anger, hate and "us Vs them" mentality?

I mean, by all mean, carry on, just know that your intentions are clear as day for us all to see (yes, i know you dont care what we think)

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

i think you should absolutely stick with the people whom think like you, make a small country and seclude yourself from the rest of the world. do humanity a favor.
you will be a lot happier too.

i wonder if even cockroaches, if they have a form of thought and consciousness, if they would contemplate what seems to dominate your mind.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 11:22 PM
If conservatives have issues with multiculturalism and diversity, maybe they should stay away from countries where the original inhabitants were of a different race other than white.
Stop complaining about those issue when North America was founded on those two issues...blame your forefathers for choosing a continent where the original inhabitants were First Nations and brought Asians and Africans to help create the two Countries.
edit on 19-11-2016 by bigdaddycruel6699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:19 AM
Multiculturalism and diversity are - in my mind - two different things.

You can have a diverse society without being multicultural, and a multicultural society without being diverse. Let me explain.

In the UK we say we are a diverse and multicultural society, or so we are told. Yet in reality what we have is separation of people down cultural lines, with not much mixing. You have whole communities that remain un-integrated and are unwilling to integrate. This is not multiculturalism, it's the perpetuation of mono-culturalism. The diversity is around the edges, like the workplace, or at school, where people from different cultural backgrounds are forced to rub up together, but out of work/school would not be seen dead together.

Anyway, multi-culturalism is proven a failed experiment. There's a belated realisation that having a mini-Pakistan, or mini-Bangladesh, or mini-blah, is just not the way to run a coherent society.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: WUNK22
Simple answer, guilt! And no it's no longer survival of the fittest. We support people that wouldn't a least from a technological stand point survive much past mud huts and stone tools.Then arn them to the hilt and stand back and watch.

It absolutely still is survival of the fittest.

Countries that allow immigration to the point that it starts to replace their native peoples will have their cultures destroyed, native peoples replaced, and homeland turned into just a land. That's the same thing that happens when you get colonized.

That's natural selection.
edit on 11/20/16 by RedDragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Its not about guilt at all, its about American values. I can't think of anything more cowardly than denying others the same right to a happy life that I have, because of fear for my own safety.

What's wrong with being a coward?
edit on 11/20/16 by RedDragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
Multiculturalism and diversity are - in my mind - two different things.

You can have a diverse society without being multicultural, and a multicultural society without being diverse. Let me explain.

Diversity ... Trying to put a square peg into a round hole.

Multiculturalism ... trying to put an ordinary screw in with a phillips/posi screw driver.

Anyway, multi-culturalism is proven a failed experiment. There's a belated realisation that having a mini-Pakistan, or mini-Bangladesh, or mini-blah, is just not the way to run a coherent society.

If you are not prepared to intergrate stay where you are don't relocate.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:37 AM
Personally I don't like other races not because the color of someones skin but because of the way they act. By that I mean I just don't like other cultures. Most other races I have nothing in common with culturally. I prefer to stick with my own kind. I have no ill will toward other races. On the street if they respect me I'll respect them.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:44 AM
An extrapolation of the natural law, survival of the fittest, is the pack, flock, school or group is strongest and most safe when all its members are the best they can be. Any member that is weaker is the first one eaten by the predators that will always be chasing them. For the group to surrender this concept by intentionally introducing contamination and infection to dilute the strength in numbers and powers threatens the survival of the entire group. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: Kali74

Actually public schools can't accommodate because France law has made it a strongly secular country. There is NO freedom of religeon.

And yes Muslims have been praying outside mosques because of over crowding.

Now that is a logistical problem but your probably the kind of person I can't agree with.

There is no reason a specific culture or religeon should get to break the host countries laws.

There are plenty of Muslim countries to immigrate too. Europe is picked because of its stability and wealth. Which is a direct result of shuckin off dark age ideology and promoting secular governance.

If you immigrate to France it's not their job to change the constitution. It's yours to learn the rules. If you don't like them go to morrocco.
edit on 20-11-2016 by luthier because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2016 by luthier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: paraphi

I disagree. Germany was able to absorb a lot of Turks in a labor boom in the 70'S. They did a lot of cultural study and social planning knowing full well there would be conflicts of beliefs. They went ahead and got ahead of it by noting the places that would be issues and having classes mixed with employment training to integrate and present the laws that would be conflicts but that there is no tolerance for not assimilating to the basic social contract.

Maybe we are just afraid to Ave hard conversations now adays.

To me it's just as bigoted to avoid conflict necessary to reach an understanding.

Like no you can't wear a burqa and go to public school. It's not racist, in fact it's worse if you break your own laws because you are afraid of the immigrants feelings. That is how things get out of control fast.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:10 PM
All I will add to this is that where I live in London, Holloway, there are a huge amount of Turkish shops and restaurants. The local shopkeepers are by far the friendliest and most welcoming. More so than English and Indian/Pakistani ones . Those are also mostly wonderful as well of course but the Turks are just that little bit more open arms welcoming and friendly.

None I have come across in 30 years living here have ever had a problem with handling and selling alcohol or serving anyone.

Same goes for the wonderful Muslim ladies in headscarves serving us at the local sainsburys. All are wonderful people.

But as a Lebanese born British man who has been to many Middle easy countries (I'm atheist, staunchly), I know that Arabs, Persian, Turks, afghanisp etc..are almost all friendly and welcoming to a point where it gets annoying. I know hey will give you the shirt off their backs and the bed in their house as well as the seat of honour at their dinner table.

It saddens and sickens me to see so many wildly ignorant and hate filled opinions that are so far from the truth are posted here. From people who have never been anywhere near the "hell holes" they decry.
I have read comments saying things like the whole region should be "turned to glass"

Fairly certain my godmother in Beirut and my good friend and fellow animator in Istanbul as well as all my friends across the region have done nothing to deserve being killed. So gross this attitude.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:20 PM
We've been mixing cultures since the first tribe met the other tribe.

The Silk Road between East & West helped humanity advance and grow.

Its sad to see comments like "my own kind" and whatnot. We're all humans, and everyone has something to each us.

If you're secure and comfortable in your own culture; you shouldn't worry about being converted...unless your culture is rooted in fear, hate, bigotry, xenophobia, and violence.

Simply loosing majority status doesn't mean you've lost your culture. People need to stop playing the victim card. No one is taking away your cultural foods, clothing, stories, myths ... and most importantly, values and beliefs. There just might be fewer people who share those with you. No one can tear those cultural artifacts away from you unless you let them.

Look at the Amish. They're left alone. If you want to be Amish or whatever, go right ahead. No one bothers them because they don't bother anyone else. That's the kicker and the key.

I don't want to hear white people claiming they're "loosing their culture" (which is really just a mish-mash and theft of other cultures they've come into contact with for over 2,000 years). Of course you are going to have people pushing back and saying not-so-nice things about your culture when you're waving it in their faces and forcing others to change, when you yourself are an increasing minority.

Besides, without multiculturalism I wouldn't be able to have falafel. That would be a travesty, truly.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Kettu

Besides, without multiculturalism I wouldn't be able to have falafel. That would be a travesty, truly.

Some people know their wine, some their cheese...i know falafel.

Best one ever? The TINY street van in Beirut i went to 4 years ago. It cost about a dollar. Here in london, you get stodgy sh*t, they put hummus in it (NO NO NO!) and charge you £5 for it. The food you get in Lebanon is without equal. The produce alone is so tasty. London Lebanese food is very meh 80% of the time. Nice to see another falafel fan!

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Multiculturalism is like taking Ketchup, which was always what it is, just Ketchup; and mixing Peanut Butter into it, which was always just Peanut Butter, and mashing it all together to create something that defies logic and reasoning. After a while the Ketchup and Peanut Butter are no longer viewed as singular and perfect all in their own right, but now are viewed as a conglomerate of mashed chaos.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: brokenghost
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Multiculturalism is like taking Ketchup, which was always what it is, just Ketchup; and mixing Peanut Butter into it, which was always just Peanut Butter, and mashing it all together to create something that defies logic and reasoning. After a while the Ketchup and Peanut Butter are no longer viewed as singular and perfect all in their own right, but now are viewed as a conglomerate of mashed chaos.

I dont care if i get a warning for this, but man alive thats as idiotic an analogy as i think is possible..bravo

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:31 PM
Well...every civilization we have found that have had absolutely no immigration whatsoever due to being blocked off my huge moutains, oceans etc. always end up being very primitive even today we as society avoid those places. To say immigration has no benefit is not true in a scientific sense. Having a different culture helps you look at problems differently than someone from another culture. Its alot of small things that add up to a better society when you have immigrants.
Economically we have tried to get rid of immigrants and we suffered for it. They do jobs that we dont wants and thats truth. Farms tried to pay American workers 15/hr for doing what immigrants did and no one wanted those jobs still lol. Just go read some peer reviewed papers on how immigrants help us and you will know why they are important.

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