Hey this is a great thread. So happy to see crypyozoology and bigfoot threads on ats again. Thank you for making this thread.
I too think there are a few subspecies of sasquatch. Mainly due to habitat.
From what i can figure from reading reports is that there is the mountain/northern sasquatch. Forest (general,typical) sasquatch and southern lowland
sasquatch (skunk ape).
It mountain/northern sasquatch are the largest and most robust and seem to have developed out of the pacific northwest mountains and spread down into
the california sierras, branched out through the north into canada and across to maine. They seem more adept at the cold.
Forest sasquatches are the second largest. I think those are also found in the pacific north west but stay out of the higher mountains preferring the
easier life in the deep forests. They are the most migratory and are the ones that have spread the most through out north america and are also the
guys found in the midwest, michigan, ohio, eastern sea board down to the carolinas.
The lowland southern sasquatch (skunk ape) are the guys found from east Texas along the southern coasts to southern florida. They are the smallest
but also the most aggressive. I think they move around less and stick to territories.
I think that theres a hybrid between the southern lowland and the forest sasquatch and that those live in the Oklahoma's, arkansas and northern
alabama, georgia etc.
Then theres the sasquatch varients that have more of a baboon like face that some have claimed to see. Not sure if they are any more or less
aggressive or not but have read that they appear more frightening due to their muzzle like mouths. Have read that they appear more lean and athletic
as opposed to bulky and overly muscular like the typical sasquatch reports.
Then there is the new commer. Dogmen. Not sure if they are any more violent than sasquatches but they do seem to display more predatory behaviour.
I find the whole phenomena and topic fascinating.
Personally i agree with the member who brought up the Sasquatch Chronicles podcast and also Tim Coonbo Baker. Theyre pretty entertaining
Here are a few other good podcasts for sasquatch that i like to listen to.
Bigfoot Outlaws/Bigfoot Crossroads (bear and his buddy coonbos podcasts-by far the most entertaining )
Bigfoot Hotspot Radio (sasquatch chronicles- ish)
Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio (pretty solid witness encounters)
Brenton Sawin Mysteries to Search (hes also got a bunch of good bigfoot witness stories. His podcasts cover dogman stories and also demon or other
strange encounters. He doesnt shy away from having weird and unusual stories. But hes got some gems in there for bigfoot. )
Big Truth (has some good witness interviews)