posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 10:01 AM
This is my first new thread, so apologies if I get some things wrong.
I have lived in Missouri, rather near the Missouri River for over 20 years. Our home is situated in a wooded area, with miles and miles of
woods/fields/wide spaced homes, close to shallow areas of the river. Our park is called Sioux Passage because-literally-the Sioux Indians could
cross the Missouri and hide in the little islands all over.
And through the years, sometimes in winter, I would smell something not quite skunky but like that. With sweet undertones. Plenty of skunks, but
they usually smelled up the area in fall with that distinctive skunk musk. The lizards in our area musk too, but that is a different smell. I knew I
was smelling something very different, but it never bothered me.
Likewise, the movements of the wild creatures out here are noted but we don't fret about it. Our local free running dogs let us know about
intruders. Note: intruders. Not what is supposed to be there. Yesterday, a neighbor dog silently "stalked" me and my dog as we were walking. He
is a great dog so I had no fear. But it put it in my head that dogs would not bark at a being who is "supposed" to be there.
Finally, a friend casually said "Oh yeah, Columbia Missouri has a family of Bigfoot. They are near the river."
Likewise, I have read a lot of anecdotal reports of Bigfoot near Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Here is what I think:
-there are different species of Bigfoot.
-they navigate using riverways
-they observe us alot to learn our movements so they can avoid us
-they move often to escape detection.
Opening this up to anyone who has insight.