Hey Alex (if you somehow were drawn to this thread on ATS), I have a suggestion
Go "extraterrestrial" or non-terrestrial with a SiriusXM Satellite Radio show, heck if you could make and save enough money you could pay Elon Musk to
launch a small satellite for Info Wars! Serious.
More and more and more channels on more and more wavelengths reaching more and more listeners. They need to be educated about what's been going on and
where we're hoping to go in charting a path to individual civil liberty and economic self determination in opposition to the globalists and the
COLLECTIVISTS (the true name of the enemy who comes in many forms, the Rhodesians ie: Bill Clinton, etc etc).
Their MSM is imploding right now, because of the way they've spun it, as if it's the death of America, when all the while the sun is already starting
to rise over the horizon yet who's light they will not see, until it's shining all over the world again, and that's funny and not a little ironic, eh?
Just be careful not to get yourself killed and to increase security, because now we have a voice, through you and a continuous feedback mechanism via
the Internet by which "they" can be defeated, while Trump proceeds via his strategic recruitment program, to perform the bloodless refreshing of the
tree of Liberty in a quiet or a noisy Revolution and don't children always go kicking and screaming sometimes even when it's all for the best, out of
We know that the truth resonates and is amplified by virtue of it's truthfulness and sincerity and, that in times of universal deceit, telling the
truth is a revolutionary act!
Jesus himself took a stand in the face of evil empire on behalf of every man.
At stake is the very principal of individual civil liberty and the throwing off of the massman, the particularized, atomized BLOB of people referred
to by the elite as "the masses" as if they've operating on the basis of some old feudal system and that's a good analogy btw, if you look at early
villages and towns and the way that the power structure of society was set up in favor of noble Lords and some form of another of "royalty" whether a
duke or a baron etc.
The MSM don't know what hit them, because in their own echo chamber, they've missed it altogether, the underlying nature of the forces of individual
liberty at work, now in alignment, shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump and Mike Pence - and with a voice! (wow, that's powerful! and the way it
should be).
We don't need to shout at the night anymore only hoping against hope of speaking truth to power and holding them to account for their atrocities.
Power is listening to us and to our ideas and viewpoints.
People are waking up and lending their ear in order to try to discern what's really going on, because it's looking more and more like the mainstream
media is fundamentally biased, and leftist.
That's a far cry from the elitist machine that Clinton was going to put in place and indeed it might have been too late for the Republic at that
point, as the "Strategy of Tension" only kills 100's of 1000's or even millions more, or worse, a nuclear showdown with Russia over Syria.
Maybe the instinct of the American people is correct and the rest of them, instead of being manipulated by the MSM and Soros and Co. (including
Clinton Inc.), really ought to get with the program by coming to understand what it's all about and that Trump is a man of peace, but one who although
he walks lightly, carries a big stick.
Oh the irony of it all! LOL
When that sun rises and the MSM realizes the corner that they've painted themselves into, and as the boycott of them spreads, then it really will be a
new day, however unexpected or to the chagrin of many who apparently do not and cannot support their own incoming President, and that's sad.
It's undemocratic, their activities.
Someone should point this out to everyone who's desperately trying to figure out just what the heck is really going on and what to think or believe
any more.
The funny part of it all is that it's the voice of reason which decries the overshooting of a collectivism based on MSM-driven opinionated propaganda
that's the furthest thing from "objective" or "informed" or even truthful.
If you think they've melted down now, then just watch when the new Trump Presidency comes in and helps to begin the process of turning everything
around for the better, and have it start to get better and better, economically and even spiritually, since the domain of Liberty is the domain of
freedom and all possibility for the individual. It's intrinsic. Only the people have the power in truth - not the elitists in Washington and
throughout the bureaucracy.
We are not a mass of people to be herded or cowed by the idolatry of the mainstream media culture of celebrity.
That was their mistake - collectivism.
Chalk one up for individualism and a healthy dose of Libertarianism, where he who governs best governs least, while protecting the domain of freedom
whereby the price of freedom is eternal vigilance so there's nothing wrong with a strong military and really taking good care of those vets.
To them it's all a scary mystery and they don't know whether they've coming or going so they're still taking their cue from the same establishment and
You know what Donald Trump ought to do - repeal Bill Clinton's telecommunications act and break up the Big Media monopoly for a more objective
analysis of events and circumstances including a more informed public, which is the bedrock of a civil society. Since they are no longer objective,
break them all up and take away their monopoly. just a thought..
Best regards,
edit on 17-11-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)