i power lift. its funny, my shoulders get banged up anytime i hit 350 on the bench. but thankfully the latest injury is bicep, not shoulders.
my earlier shoulder problems started because i did not do enough back to compensate. i always did back, but you gotta do a TON of back to make up for
the problem is your chest gets stronger, muscles get bigger, and tighter. then they pull your shoulders forward, cause they are getting tighter.
so to avoid that kind of injury, lots of stretching, and tons of back, rear deltoids, and trapezius.
then benching is absolutely simple.
first day heavy day. this is the fun fun day. reps on my heavy day were like this before injury-
1. 10 reps at 135 to warm up
2. 10 reps at 225
3. 5-8 reps at 275
4. 1-3 reps at 315
i was capping it at 315. the last time i benched 350, i was doing 3-4 reps at 335. then injury, so i had to slow down and stay at 315.
then 2-3 days later-
1. THREE sets of 10 at 225
heavy day is fantastic. your only goal, is that last set. so do not waste too much energy on the early reps. ok so for me, my cap was 315. so the
entire workout for bench, was how many reps i could get at 315. i did not care about 225, 275, etc. all that counts is 315. you gotta get the
heavy weight and reps. if you can get ballsy, you go 6 reps, 4 reps, 1-2 reps heaviest weight. but i usually went 10, 6, 2-3
light day is active recovery day. this is the day you just do 3 sets of 10 at whatever weight is comfy for that. light day is to remind your chest
that it is benching, and also to build endurance, because on heavy day, its about weight, not reps.
go on youtube, because there is a way to lock your feet down as you bench that will give you and addition 10-30 pounds of strength. ive been doing it
for 20 years now.
then of course, if you increase your triceps and deltoids, that will also help your bench.
give me 100% healthy joints, i can bench 400 in less than 6 months. but right now, im trying to heal a bicep injury, then im going to go for 400 as
soon as it is healed.
doing back to compensate is a very important concept in ALL your body parts. because you want to stay balanced on every muscle group.
also, make sure you do legs at least once a week. because quads, hams, and glutes are your biggest muscles, so if you build those up, lots more test
and hgh will be rushing thru your blood. more muscle you have, the more hormones you produce.
im a big guy, and after all these years, the 1 heavy 1 light day was by far the easiest and fastest way i ever found to increase my bench.
you can dm me too if you ever want to chat about lifting.
my bench is just average. but if you bench 400, then you are in a special zone. not many people can do it. like in my gym, maybe 25 guys can bench
400. like 400 can bench 300. 300 is cake, even with my injury.
my one claim to fame is my calves. i have the strongest calves around. i post on ig, and no one comes close to what i can do lol. so do not forget
your calves on leg day!
last, it will be brutal, but end your leg workout with walking lunges.
edit on 14-11-2016 by dantanna because: (no reason given)