posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 05:25 PM
pretty words on the page-light and airy their message is devoid of meaning to the recipient and/or the sender if they haven't lived the experience
the words demarcate... Words await us to give them meaning with our lives- the universe is one big story after all, everything and anything can be
translated into words. without us, they are just words, but without them we are less than human... Words have some VERY important functions: they
allow us to escape our narrow view of reality, to think impartially about our partialities; to reflect clearly upon the payhs that we and othera have
taken... words can also take us to places where we have never been and could never otherwise go... they allow us to explore ourselves, the world and
each other... Words force you to be grounded, the very act of writinf brings clarity and focus to ones thoughts. unlike when the thouhhts just bounce
around you can grab one and examinr it, you can sidetrack here and there and still find your way back to the topic at hand... the words lay
themselves out for mankind to pick them up and translate them into physical reality, this is a symbiosis as it benefits both sides. words can take us
to impossible realities, they allow is to gain, very quickly a large amount of aelf experience.... again this psuedo experience is only marginally
helpful. but it hwlps all the same. mankind can twist words to reflect an ugly untrue picture and this is called a lie... mankind can breathe fire,
did you know: Words of beauty, and truth... the greatest thing i love about words us their ability to help us grow, by showing us experiences and
realities we havent experienced yet... it ia for this reason that i yet continue in my mission to find the words capable of inspiring people to act
with kindness and integrity outside of themselves... Like composing a symphony the trick is to listen and scribe faithfully... I have written ny own
personal manifesto, words of fire written across my soul. But they only mean anything when i am actively living them, though they are no less true
when i don't... Truth can be ignored(reason being darkness and lies can inspire great beauty and meaning that would never happen othwrwise) but when
we submit to its humble requests, they will trabsform us into breathtaking beings of love... Of you, dear reader and friend, i would ask one thing:
pick up paper and pen or ready your keyboard. try and dispel your doubt, and with as much sincerity as you can muster, write: 'Write, pen, and tell
the Truth of me' and just listen and write down the words that come one by one. Don't worry if you end up only writing nonsense: just keep the pen
moving and the right words will flow.