posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 12:44 PM
I wanted to create a thread which addressed propaganda in movies but I wasnt sure if it made more sense to make a new thread for every individual film
or to simply update one thread.
Well, I'm going with a single thread.
Have you seen a movie lately and noticed a lot of propaganda? Come here and tell us about it.
Lets see how this goes. I'll start.
I wanted to first mention a couple of general trends.
First, that Hollywood now loves the idea of encouraging or promoting "first world problems".
EVERYTHING is a major issue.
Is it Hollywood's goal to perpetuate or encourage/instill this idea that we're a bunch of weak, frail, emotional losers who cant deal with the
smallest of life's problems?
Secondly, that getting cancer is very sad but a "normal" part of life in America.
That we should get accustomed to the fact that most of us will get and probably die from cancer.
Of-course what they dont address is WHY cancer rates are skyrocketing, whether its the food, GMOs, BPAs, vaccines, air, water, fluoride etc.
edit on 12-11-2016 by gladtobehere because: wording