posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 06:06 AM
originally posted by: PlasticWizard
Can someone explain to me how unvacinated kids make these super virii or mutated virii?
Logically in unvax kid gets virus, virus runs its course and dies.
Would the same virus that enters a vaccinated kid have a higher chance of mutating to fight the vaccine as opposed to the kid without vaccinations?
Serious question.. I have a hard time finding an answer.
your question doesn't quite make sense but I think I get what your asking. So lets look at the immune system, Your immune
system is designed to help protect you from "germs" like viruses and bacteria that may enter your body and make you sick. When germs enter your body,
your immune system begins to produce antibodies basically a protein made to destroy cells. Now think of these antibodies as having a key to destroy a
cell they have to get through the cell membrane. If there key fits the cell they can enter and destroy it. Now when you get sick antibodies are
created to fight off the invader and these antibodies are given a key that only works on whatever the invading cell is. A protein made to destroy say
the flu isn't going to kill a virus that invades say small pox. Every virus requires that antibodies are produces for that particular virus. By the
way your body produces thousands of different antibodies all the time we are constantly fighting off viruses and germs.
Now what a virus does they used to go the simple route get a virus kill it or get a weakened version of it in the case of the flu for example and
inject it this causes the body to create antibodies with really no risk as long as the manufacturer actually killed the virus or used a similar virus
one with the same lock but inactive meaning it cant reproduce. They do this by literally taking a virus and removing its inside just leaving the outer
cell. Now the difference between getting a virus and an injection. No injection will ever be able to reproduce in your body. meaning it can never over
whelm your immune system and cause death. Rabies for example kills you by overwhelming your immune system Your body takes time to recognize a virus
B.y the time it does the virus could have reached your brain and killed you. here your first injection rabies globulin. Globulin isn't the virus it is
actual antibodies produced to kill the virus. You get this to help until your body starts producing its own antibodies the best way to kick start that
is a vaccine.
A vaccine will never create a super virus ever it cant reproduce. However being exposed to a virus can as it adapts to escape detection by proteins.
Remember the key a virus that can reproduce fast enough can change its lock so our antibodies key doesn't work. meaning the virus cant be destroyed as
I said this cant happen unless the virus can reproduce which should never be the case in a vaccine unless a serious error was made.
Without vaccines hundreds of people exposed to rabies would die every year not to mention unchecked would spread through the population quickly. in
the old days when it took a day or two to travel to the next town exposure was limited. Now you can hop in your car or take a jet and be in different
city or country in hours. Meaning exposure is a nightmare because a person can come into contact with hundreds of people daily 1000s of miles from the
source of the virus.
To be against vaccines is just stupid its really no different than playing Russian roulette. I doubt once a year you would put a bullet in a chamber
and pull the trigger. But that's exactly what your doing when you decide not to get a vaccine. But even worse your taking that gun and placing it to
others heads as well just for coming in to contact with you.
edit on 11/12/16 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)