posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to:
I'm a progressive and I wouldn't blame Hillary's loss on the MSM, pollsters, James Comey, Assange or the Republicans.
The blame for her loss lies squarely on her shoulders and those of the DNC for refusing to recognize the overwhelming anti-establishment mood of the
nation and insisting instead on running a heavily flawed establishment candidate with historic negative appeal, while utilizing establishment
corruption to quash the Bernie Sanders movement that was the progressive equivalent of the Trump campaign minus the racism, ignorance and bigotry.
The time to protest has passed. At this point in time, it's more like crying over spilled milk. It should have happened when it became clear, (via
WikiLeaks) that the DNC had indeed corrupted the primary process in favor of Hillary.
IMO, When it comes to searching for someone to blame, one should always look in the mirror first.
Now I'm hearing that Howard Dean wants to run for the DNC chairmanship. What a joke!
If the DNC can't take off their blinders to see what just happened and accept the fact that they too, are establishment infected and totally out of
touch with the mood of this nation and the progressive movement, then they deserve to be ignored and replaced with some kind of a new "People's