posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 03:41 AM
After last night's election surprise I got to wondering about how such an unexpected upset could occur. Was there something in the stars that could
of been a portent? And as many are asking, what happens now, going forward?
After some digging around I found this article dated 07 Nov 2016 from
Trump will enter two years of bad luck starting Feb 5, 2017, the year of the rooster, cautions Pun-Yin. He will be confronted with even worse
trouble in 2018, when his own zodiac clashes with another year of the dog. Highlighting Trump’s demeanor, Pun-Yin says: “The voters already see
how Trump is when things are going his way. Can you imagine in the next two cycles, when he’ll be in crashing cycles?”
Pun-Yin is Trump's highly revered female feng shui consultant. She helped him revamp NYC Trump Tower & International Hotel.
What got me was the date: 5 Feb 2017. What the devil is so special about the date? Couldn't find anything of substance on Trump's progressed astro
chart with transits, but I'm only an amateur astrologer that dabbles, mostly for my own self. And although I do feng shui for myself as an art of
placement and flying stars, I've never gotten the hang of using it in a predictive way.
So I started hunting. 5 Feb 2017 is a Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday as in NFL football. Super Bowl Sunday 2017 will be in Houston TX., home of two of
the 10 largest oil refineries in the US., not to mention a whole lotta of other smaller ones and a literally a boatload of tankers.
5 Feb 2017 is also a national holiday for Mexico-Constitution Day.
Coincidence? What are the chances of something going really wonky or really south on or around that date?
I wish I had a better handle on horary astrology - I'd try to do a chart for Houston and/or Trump on that date around the time the Super Bowl usually
begins, but alas I've just started learning it and boy is it confusing!!!
Another thing I dug up was that the date the electoral college votes are due, 19 Dec 2016, Mercury goes retrograde while conjunct Pluto, which may
open the door to possible faithless electors, especially given that his court date for the Trump University fraud case is before that on 28 Nov
Any thoughts ya'll?