a reply to:
I have no associations with any human groups, my expression "going into the occult" means that I study, research, and open my Heart/Mind to the Spirit
and follow it's instructions.
I have met the Devil and it was actually God behind the mask. You see the only person that tempts me to do anything is myself and my own selfish
desires. Then I make a choice on if I succumb to that temptation. There is no outside entity that misleads or tempts me to evil. I am the final
decider of my actions, and the buck stops here. I am responsible.
I have had many Spiritual visions and experience prophecy, I will give you an example since we are talking about Satan.
The Devil is the Prosecutor, accusing you of a crime and presenting evidence against you.
Jesus is your Defense Lawyer attempting to show your innocence or reduce your culpability.
God is the Judge and will serve as the ultimate decision maker on the outcome of your Judgment.
I (or you) are the accused or the defendant in this Spiritual Court.
That's just symbolic reference in order to get an idea of how things work.
Another way to look at it is via the Archangel concept. A doorway has two arcs and an apex at the top.
So Jesus would be the right hand of God that lifts you up, and the Devil is the left hand of God that brings you down.
This is why God is both the Devil and Jesus, because only God exists and these other things are merely aspects or facets of the utility of God's
Oneness. So I call this "Devil-Jesus". It is an illusion because there is only God, nothing else.
You are relying on very weak theories to found your beliefs, as on one hand you claimed you received knowledge through a Spiritual route but then said
only the King James Bible is an accepted source of information, which is an absurdity. The Bible was written by man (though it clearly was inspired by
Spirit). But in reality, there is only one valid source of information and that is God, and your conscience and Spiritual capabilities are how you
connect with God directly (via the Heart/Mind) and through this you can glean accurate information and it is good to continually test this Spirit to
confirm it is indeed a valid connection with God.
Guy Fawkes, the Jesuits, etc, are largely irrelevant in the end game when it comes to discovering the Truth about God.
Kundalini awakening is also a very highly misunderstood and improperly taught subject. It means "coiled one" which is actually refering to the Serpent
from the Tree of Knowledge in Eden. This Serpent Spirit is God in disguise. This is the very definition of deception and then as a result, growth and
learning discernment between light and dark.
All of this conspiracy stuff actually becomes irrelevant in terms of your ascendance to merge with God in Heaven. The sinning of the elites or
whomever is also largely irrelevant because God does not Judge you by any one else's sins. It is about you and your choices that you make in your
life. If you seek and want and Love God with all of your Heart, Mind, Body, Strength, and Soul, you are on the path to ascension and enlightenment.
That path may be bumpy and full of twists and turns, suffering and difficulty, but it is the path to God none the less.
The Bible might indeed be a book full of many Truths, historical fact which is provable, Spiritual wisdom, and even direct messages conveyed to
prophets via the Holy Spirit from God to mankind. But it is only one of many thousands of aspects of God's perfect Creation = the Universe. You can
find God in anything if you are wise and use your gifts. Do not limit yourself to the Bible, but it is good to compare other things with the Bible to
learn how things differ and then to use your wisdom to determine what is the best way to explain things.
But to say "The only Truth is in the King James Bible" makes absolutely no sense and is a falsehood. Here is an interesting basic reason why what you
say cannot be true. Because you are not the King James Bible, and so that means you cannot be expressing truth because you are not the KJB. Therefore
you contradicted yourself and defeated your own claim on it's face value. The only way what you claim could be true is if there is room for truth to
exist outside of the KJB because you are a mere mortal and not the KJB scriptures, and so for you to claim such a thing and be Correct, truth must be
necessity exist outside of the KJB.
I do agree strongly with the concept of Natural Law and the 10 Commandments as being an excellent guide for proper moral conduct between human beings.
They are strong foundations of principle. But to say "The KJB is the only truth", it is absurd. You are not the Bible, you must be lying to me about
how the Bible is the only truth - by your own logic.
My advice to you is to not become too attached to specific ideas, and to be open to learning and growing with God into higher levels of knowledge as
you progress towards God. Some ideas you have will prove solid while others will be revealed as being extremely flimsy and or out of context. You must
be willing to accept you are wrong sometimes, and I realize this is very hard because I myself (and everyone else) struggles with this basic challenge
in life. Just recognizing when one's self is wrong is unbelievably difficult at times.
There is a lot more I'd love to teach you, like about how everyone is "possessed by demons" to varying degrees (this is a figurative language
expressing deep concepts), but most people are unaware of their own demons - yet it is true we all have them and battle them daily. Embracing the fact
and facing it head on is the only way forward. There are a thousand secrets about them and most people only know a few because they ignore this topic.
I will share everything I know over time with everyone, and I hope others will challenge me by sharing everything they know so that I can continue
learning and growing as well, and also find out where I got things wrong so I can make corrections and improve myself and my understanding.