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Yes, because it's all about the autonomy of the woman, and their desire for free stuff..
"Title X is at stake" Not true. No one is proposing overturning Title X. In fact, Title X specifically covers family planning services to reduce the number of abortions by preventing pregnancy to begin with.
The confluence of the widespread need for affordable health care—including sexual and reproductive health care—and neglectful or hostile state policies is particularly extreme in Texas. Moreover, because of the sheer size of the population, the impact is especially significant. The dynamics in Texas are not unique, however. Too many other states are going down the same path, potentially leading to similarly harsh consequences for the women and families who live there.
Meanwhile, the cycle for the Title X grant administered by the state came to an end in 2013, which required the state to reapply and created the opportunity for other entities to apply. Ultimately, the Title X grant was awarded to the Women’s Health and Family Planning Association of Texas, instead of the Texas Department of State Health Services. For the first time, the state is not administering Title X funds, which means they are no longer subject to the tiered provider requirement.
originally posted by: Steak
The American people should bot be paying for Birth Control. It's policies like these that lead to 22 Trillion of debt.
What someone does is more telling than what they say they will do, and what Trump has done is release his anti-choice manifesto via the Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List, a political action group dedicated to making abortion illegal. In the letter, Trump tells us that he has turned over the reins of his campaign’s “Pro-Life Coalition” to Marjorie Dannenfelser, an anti-choice activist and self-styled feminist. She is the current SBA List President, believes that “to lose the connection between sex and having children leads to problems,” and has stated erroneously that contraception and family planning are the cause of abortion.
In fact, the SBA List advances the lie that IUDs and emergency contraception are abortion. So, if these are the people he’s getting behind him, then yes, under a Trump Presidency those will be up for grabs too. Trump has very recently backed the idea of over-the-counter oral contraception, which, while fine safety-wise, sends a subliminal message to anti-choice employers (and anyone else who wants to dump birth control from their health plan) that he’s got their back. If insurers don’t have to pay for IUDs and injectable contraceptives, many will drop them, and without publicly funded clinics to make up the short fall, that leaves the most effective forms for birth control unaffordable for many women.
originally posted by: VVV88
a reply to: windword
Women have control over their body. They can control themselves to not have sex if they don't want to get pregnant. What am I missing?
Birth control and especially the pill are NOT prescribed to fix a condition
originally posted by: windword
a reply to: SaturnFX
Will Trump make good on his promise to punish women who abort or use forbidden contraception methods?
You know, I was born 2 months early. The idea of a woman aborting me that late into the pregnancy when I'm a viable baby that can survive outside the womb on my own really bothers me. That's basically murder. Some women who abort should be punished. That's very clearly what Trump was talking about in regards to restricting some kinds of abortion during the debates.
originally posted by: windword
a reply to: RedDragon
You know, I was born 2 months early. The idea of a woman aborting me that late into the pregnancy when I'm a viable baby that can survive outside the womb on my own really bothers me. That's basically murder. Some women who abort should be punished. That's very clearly what Trump was talking about in regards to restricting some kinds of abortion during the debates.
Trumps' an idiot!
No one is doing that! Roe V Wade weighs protection toward the unborn once viability is reached . Fetuses are aborted late term because they suffer from catastrophic health issues, are NOT viable and pose extreme health risks to the mother. NOBODY has or performs late term abortions because they got in a fight with their baby's daddy!
Late term abortions are ALWAYS heart wrenching tragedies to the families involved!