posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 06:53 AM
So when Trump first showed up on the scene I was like "Oh, he's going to pull a Perot and split the vote so that TPTB can get Hillary in." Then he
turned out to be the actual Republican candidate.
So then I was like, "Ok, there's clearly nonstop biased news against him, TPTB just pitted him against Hillary because they can paint him to be
actually worse than her."
Now Trump is elected.
So.... what happens next?
Does Trump get assassinated and Pence takes office? Will there be a massive terrorist attack or some sort of disaster to take everyone's attention
and unite them in fear and panic? Will existence of alien life be revealed? Better yet, you could combine the aliens with the common threat scenario
and humans all have to band together against the alien invasion.
So....ATS, apparently anything goes, what do you think is going to happen next? What do you secretly want to happen next? How crazy can this sh*t
possibly get?
Oh, and PS the Cubs won the World Series! Isn't that an early sign of the apocalypse? I'm pretty sure that's in the Bible.
edit on 9-11-2016 by ladyvalkyrie because: format