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Obamacare Victims Revolt: ‘We Don’t have that Kind of Money’

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posted on Nov, 6 2016 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

Sorry if I have trouble accepting that you know what she is and is not capable of. Of course it can be modified, and simplified. It will take a lot of brain power, time, and perhaps borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, but it can be done. It's essential that it be done, in fact. What is happening to some people is dreadful, but many others would be vastly worse off without it.

The following sentence doesn't make you wonder about the wife of a the pres, state senator, secretary of state for Obama could treat our nations secrets with all the security a teenager treats a PAC man video game?

I have very little confidence in a women who thought it was a good idea to keep confidential info on a unsecured server in her basement.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: imjack

originally posted by: lordcomac
If we didn't have health insurance,
medical costs wouldn't be out of hand. People wouldn't agree to pay the costs if they were too high- and the doctors would have to lower the price.

Also, all the money my employer is sending to an insurance company (That I currently don't use, because I don't have a doctor...) would be coming to me, instead- and I'd have more money to spend on... well, going to the doctor.

If there was a single health insurance subsidiary, the program would work instead of having a reverse monopoly in an operation that is less sustainable with 'competition'.

The scheme is simple, as long as there are multiple insurance options, they can afford to rip people off. If it was centralized, there would be less corruption, and this is evident even with the creation of Obamacare putting them at risk by removing such 'unfair' rules like 'preexisting condition'.

That might help, but it's not enough. My grandma's total treatment for her breast cancer cost a grand total of just over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. She had radiation therapy. She only had one course of it,well, plus the cost of just having an oncologist and all the required tests, etc. Right now, 40% of the population will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. There's just no way in hell to divide the cost of 40% of the population with cancer to the paychecks of 100% of the people. It's just not mathematically possible. And that's JUST cancer. It doesn't include any other disease or condition. The problem is the high cost. If healthcare were affordable, it wouldn't matter if everyone had insurance because people would still be able to pay for healthcare. There comes a point when the cost of insuring a group of people is higher than the amount the people are willing or able to pay. At that point, that group becomes uninsurable, because there's no way to spread the cost in such a way that people can pay for the insurance and also be covered. The fact that so many insurance companies are leaving the exchanges is a clear sign that the group of people getting insurance through ACA are in fact uninsurable, or very nearly so. The only way to fix this is to bring down the cost of medical treatment.... which, by the way, was the problem to begin with. Did you know that our government passed a law making it illegal for itself to ask for a bulk discount on prescriptions (for its large purchases through the VA and Medicare). WHY?????? It legally requires itself to pay full price. That makes less than zero sense. And that was before Obamacare.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: anotheramethyst

You are the only one, other than myself, who gets it. It cost toooooooooooo much.

Don't forget that with the Fed and Central banks our economy depends on inflation. That also inflates medical.

If the productivity gains were shared with hourly employees, these medical costs would be more manageable.

But as it stands the average worker has had little in the way of a pay increase in 35 years.

How do you suppose the the very tip of the wealthy are funneling all that sweet sweet $ up.

I urge you to spend 6 and 1/2 minutes watching the video.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: anotheramethyst

As I explained here -

A replenishing pot that has more coming out than is going in, will soon come up empty.

You have also shown that anyone with ability to do simple basic math, can see the ACA for what it is. Snake oil being sold to the gullible public.

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
If we didn't have health insurance,
medical costs wouldn't be out of hand. People wouldn't agree to pay the costs if they were too high- and the doctors would have to lower the price.

That's completely naive.

How is that working out? The deductibles and co-pays are already very high.

People in the USA are already far more exposed personally to medical costs than in every other developed country, and yet, the costs and prices are immensely higher for exactly the same service.

Before ACA, were health costs under control? And we NEED health insurance of some form.

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: marg6043

In other words, if Bernie Sanders won, and Democratic Congress won, we would have universal medicare: basic baseline health care for everybody at Canadian prices.

That would fix Obamacare.

Republican Congress today wants go-#-yourself-care: repeal ACA and replace it with bupkis. And that's really because Obamacare made the elites pay Medicare taxes on investment income the same way we pay Medicare taxes on our paycheck.

edit on 11-11-2016 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-11-2016 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: Annee

magine if everyone in government/politics worked together to make ACA work.

You know - - - fix what needed to be fixed, etc.

How much has the GOP cost taxpayers in fighting a National Health Care Plan?

How many years could they have paid the premiums for these people with the money they've wasted?

What is it you think is broken?

Ok everyone go to their local hospital and ask nicely if they if they will lower the cost of an MRI you need to align with the rest of the industrialized nations that charge $350-$500 for this diagnostic test that is 35 year old tech. Guess what, either you pay the $2500 or you don't find out if you have whatever disease or illness.

The cost of healthcare is broken in America. Instead of regulating what can be charged like the rest of the developed world, you have monkeys yelling "Let the free market decide durr".

What do you expect when the motive is profit and not the well being of citizens? I'd call that # treason.

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