posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 01:42 AM
originally posted by: Tempter
Just adding this so I can find it on a gloomy day.
Poor Reldra....not her fault.
I disagree with her viewpoint most times, but there is a *mind* in there, and that is a rare thing in my experience, so I read her threads and posts
and hope one day she too will have an epiphany about the ass clown "leaders" of the democrats/liberals, just like I did about a year or so ago. I
didn't leave the party - the party left me and many, many others.
Reldra - they are so out of touch it's beyond ridiculous. The icing on the cake was when Nancy Pelosi said *after* the debacle of the 2016 election
for the Dems and after she was re-elected minority leader (what?!?) - she said "no changes" were necessary in the Dems platform and approach but
rather they just need to "explain" it better (to us "idiots" I assume) - I just had to laugh.
The way things are headed, Pelosi and the current Democratic party will go the way of Whigs and the dodo very soon unless thinking and semi-observant
members of the party wrest control from people like her.
edit on 12/14/2016 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)