posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 07:48 PM
I’ve never really understood mankind’s belief that the creator of all things would love us more than all other of his creations. That the life
force instilled in each of us is somehow grander than the life force in the animals and plants and Mother Earth herself.
We’ve always felt the need to be so very special that we’ve even proclaimed that God made us in his very image. Yep, Looks just like us he does.
Try telling that to a cat, or an otter. Ever watched an Otter at play? They’ll go sliding down a slippery slope and then head first into the ocean
and when they surface I swear they’re laughing. Then they run back up the slope to do it again. If I get to come back as an animal I’m coming back
as an otter.
The conceit of the human mind is truly something to behold. We have no doubt that we’re the highest of all Gods creations. But tell me, what is it
we do that animals don’t?
Ants wage war and even take slaves. Dogs feel guilt when they know they’ve done something wrong, And if you’ve ever looked into those sad doggy
eyes you not only know what I mean but you’ve forgiven them on the spot. Jane Goodall has proven that monkeys make and use tools. Birds have been
filmed making tools as well. I admit were a bit better at it but by no means is the trait distinctive to mankind only.
I’ve even read where a scientist was studying prairie dogs and one day while doing field research he noticed something really odd. Two prairie dogs
were standing on burrows close to each other when one of them started chatting with the other. The other started chatting right back. He said in his
report that they had a conversation that lasted a good ten minutes before one of them made a final chirp and went back inside. Now I can just imagine
how that conversation went.
Prairie Dog 1: “Have you noticed that strange creature over the hill watching us?”
Prairie Dog 2: “Its called a human and they don’t seem too bright if you ask me. They don’t even have holes in the ground to live in”
Prairie Dog 1: “Now that is just sad…”
I suppose in the interest of being fair I should mention that there actually is one little trait that mankind has that has never been discovered to
exist in any other species. We are the only animal that will invite a totally different species into our home just for the sheer pleasure of their
company. Mankind is unique in that we have pets. We feed them, we love them, we share our lives with them and all we ask in return is there mutual
Do animals have souls? Yes, Yes a thousand times they do for if they did not, then neither would we.
Love and light,
PS: This is just my humble opinion….