posted on Oct, 29 2016 @ 07:59 AM
I'm glad to see this subject brought up. When I was employed at a county park for 5 years, I saw the attitude and corruption of the park director and
the manager of the park I worked in. During that time, I keep notes on everything I was doing at work to have proof I was doing my job as the
management wouldn't even do any employee evaluations. I was basically under the threat of being fired at any moment for no real reason and turn over
for employees was pretty big, there's always another loser out their that they could hire to replace me.
Well, a few years after I left that job, both the park director and the manager I worked under were caught stealing money and were fired. No news
covered this and I seriously doubt that either were taken to court, it was only known to the people at the parks basically. I was aware of a number of
illegal activities that they engaged in, but kept my mouth shut as the whistle blower always gets fired, blacklisted and screwed.
Well, this fall I got into another park through the township. Things weren't much different with them, in fact they were illegally cutting down trees
from the park that is actually owned by the electric company who's dam created the pond that the park is on. The other employees were aware that the
park needed permission to cut trees down and were not going through the proper channels, but going around picking out trees at will. They were even
trying to pull out all the stumps so the electric company wouldn't know how many were taken out. In fact the guy cutting the trees down owns a sawmill
and had his pick of choice logs.
Well, rather than making a record of what I was doing at work at this new park, I made detailed notes about how many trees were cut and where they
were being cut. I even took time stamped photos of all the downed trees before they were cleaned up. I considered turning them in for the $5,000
reward offered by the land owner for reporting theft and damages to their property. Well, those dumb asses didn't really hide their lumbering
operation and there were even comments in the social media about it, so they got caught. Now they are being fined for the value of every tree they cut
down, I counted at least 180 trees in two of their parks, there was more I'd assume. I doubt that the electric company will figure out exactly how
many were cut down, they would probably like my notes and pictures, but I'm not going there unless I'm forced into it somehow.
edit on
29-10-2016 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo
edit on 29-10-2016 by MichiganSwampBuck because: another typo