posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 03:22 PM
Life is fleeting and we often forget about important aspects as we go about our daily grind. ATS is an emotional outlet for me to digest and
regurgitate my feelings in a variety of ways. I take great pride in making sure that when I write something or share information, that I do my best
most of the time to articulate and present what I have to say in a viable format in the form of an OP.
I am not always capable of expressing myself properly, but I really try hard to do so. Yeah, I can be sarcastic and try to witty or funny when I
reply to any of you, but the fact remains, we are a family of sorts here, dysfunctional an a bickering lot some times, but I do believe that the bulk
of us care about each other.
There are some members that go out of their way to make others feel important and do everything they can to support and encourage, they are not needed
to be named, you know who they are. To them, I say sincerely, Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
However, there are those that go out of their way to belittle and be condescending when making replies and to them I say, pooh on you.
My Mother taught me respect and manners and yes she taught me sarcasm too, she always told me 2 things (not just 2), speak when you are spoken to and
if you have nothing nice to say, zip it.
Here is what I have to say about this website today. When someone goes to the trouble to make an OP, offer support, reply in kindness, but don't be
rude if you don't agree with what they said in the OP. Like me, many of you take the time to write OP's only to have them derailed with nonsense
and this is just wrong. Being here is a privilege and comes with responsibility.
We all come from different backgrounds and nationalities, so there stands to reason there will be somethings lost in translation. Not everyone has
the ability to understand what I write and I get that. I just want members to have better decorum when conversing with each other. I know some
topics can be testy to discuss, but if you feel yourself crossing the line, just close the screen and go take a breath of fresh air and maybe you can
come back with a better frame of mind.
If I have ever offended anyone in any way shape or form, I assure you it was a momentarily laps in judgment and I apologize for doing so.