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Greys and Dolphins

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posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 02:35 PM
Hi I'm a new comer here with questions. I, like many conspiracy theorists, believe that there is another form of intelligent life out there beyond the planet Earth. We have come to known these life forms as aliens. The most commonly known alien believed to be here with us on Earth are the Greys. Now I recently read something very bizzare about the Greys in a conspiracy theory book. What I read stated that the Greys may be relatives or descendents of a lovable water-based animal we all know and love... dolphins. Are aliens really flippers? And why would they be descendents or relatives of dolphins. And then why would the Greys be so neferious or evil as we make them out to be. I mean dolphins have been known to save peoples lives right? So why would they now be plotting against us as greys. If this is all true then aliens are not outer space creatures but time travellers? And then what is their purpose? I'm confused.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:07 PM
Its been said by many so called former FBI agents for claim to have researched the grey phenomena that greys evolved from a creature similar to the dolphin.

The greys did once originate from a mostly or fully water planet.The main creatures of intellignence there were dolphin like species.About afew millions years into the evolvation of these creatures,they got so intelligent that they began developing highly technical technologies which would eventually lead to genetic/body technology.Im not sure how they managed to develop technologies due to their body types but somehow did.

These dolphin like creatures then began developing technology that could alter the their bodies.They developed way to speed up evolution and add some bodyparts that would make life easier,hence the development of arms and legs.Soon after all greys had altered their bodies and developed humanoid body types.They then looked towards their reproducing bpdy parts and began experimenting with that,thus causing the extinction of their own reproductive bodyparts.Luckly they had the technology to develop cloning.

I heard this all of a site of an ex FBI agent who claimed he had studied and had discovered many interesting things from the greys.He also uncovered many information on the greys from the government.This all most likely could be fake but what he said about the greys and their evolvation sounds highly likely and realistic.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:22 PM

These dolphin like creatures then began developing technology that could alter the their bodies.They developed way to speed up evolution and add some bodyparts that would make life easier,hence the development of arms and legs.Soon after all greys had altered their bodies and developed humanoid body types.They then looked towards their reproducing bpdy parts and began experimenting with that,thus causing the extinction of their own reproductive bodyparts.Luckly they had the technology to develop cloning.

So that I don't have to do a whole lot of looking around on this subject, can you explain how the "dolphin like creature" could develope anything before adding "some bodyparts that would make life easier,hence the development of arms and legs". How could they perform any kind of experiments without arms, legs, fingers, OPPOSIBLE THUMBS in the first place? Don't you need those first, before being able perform any advancement on themselves?

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:27 PM
this has already been discussed

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:29 PM
If its true, the guy that made that dolphin wars Simpsons episode must have been a prophet...

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:31 PM
So if they did originate from a fully water planet, wouldn't we be wrong by looking for them in the sky when in fact we should be looking in the sea?

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:31 PM
So if they did originate from a fully water planet, wouldn't we be wrong by looking for them in the sky when in fact we should be looking in the sea?

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:21 PM
I don't know about the grey thing or not, but I do know that dolphins and humans are the only two species on the planet who has sex for pleasure!

Maybe there is a connection somewhere!

EDIT: They also have an instinct to rescue humans that are in danger at sea!

If we could only communicate with these creatures efficiently!

[edit on 24/1/05 by Intelearthling]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:33 PM
It's also said that Greys AND Dolphins both are telepathic, I heard this before...

I heard an alternative story that the Reptoids genetically altered the Greys to serve them as humanoids...

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Born
Hi I'm a new comer here with questions. I, like many conspiracy theorists, believe that there is another form of intelligent life out there beyond the planet Earth. We have come to known these life forms as aliens. The most commonly known alien believed to be here with us on Earth are the Greys. Now I recently read something very bizzare about the Greys in a conspiracy theory book. What I read stated that the Greys may be relatives or descendents of a lovable water-based animal we all know and love... dolphins. Are aliens really flippers? And why would they be descendents or relatives of dolphins. And then why would the Greys be so neferious or evil as we make them out to be. I mean dolphins have been known to save peoples lives right? So why would they now be plotting against us as greys. If this is all true then aliens are not outer space creatures but time travellers? And then what is their purpose? I'm confused.

where is this book you qoute?
Does it have a name?

My opinion is that theory (not you) is fabricated, unfounded, nonsence.
highly entertaining ,lol

Most reports of greys indicate they are more insectoid or reptoid in nature not dolphins or even marine life in general for that matter...

and as to this untruth:
"I don't know about the grey thing or not, but I do know that dolphins and humans are the only two species on the planet who has sex for pleasure!"

This inst true, go to a zoo, watch a monkey (how do i say this) masturbate!
tell me he doent enjoy it , or a dog, is your leg geneticlly compatible . lol ridiculous....

[edit on 24-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 06:50 PM

These were said to be dolphin like creatures,not exact the same.So therefor they must of had some kind of bodypart for them to develop technology.Remember that these are alien creatures that evolved in a totally different manner to us and lightyears away.Their way of developing technology will probably be much different to ours.I cant say exact how they managed to do that but im sure they didnt use fins.

These dolphin like creatures must of has some other unique way.Im sure that not all creatures in our galaxy needs arms and thumbs in order to use in everyday things.There are most likely thousands of ways to evolve body part diffferently to thumbs hands,but yet still works just as good.There are probably better ways.Its hard to imagine but you cant expect everything to be explained by todays science.

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