posted on Dec, 9 2016 @ 11:16 AM
I finally took the technician's exam last month but haven't yet purchased another radio. I have been trying to research what would be the most
versatile unit for my purposes, but doubt that I can afford the most full-featured transceivers out there.
I have noticed that there are conflicting reviews regarding Chinese vs Japanese equipment- some HAMs give some of the Chinese radios great reviews and
explain how a number of them have more/better features than similar Japanese devices. Other HAMs give scathing reviews of the Chinese "Kock-Offs" and
call them "JUNK".
I don't have a lot of money to spend, but I don't want to be stuck with something that doesn't last me a few years (at least).
Ideally, I would like to get into packet radio, would probably prefer to start out with a mobile unit and power supply so I can use it as a base
I'm currently studying for the general exam, will have some extra money next month, and my budget will be somewhere around $500. I'm OK with buying
a power supply at a later date.
Units I have been considering (all of them mobile except for Alinco):
TYT TH-9800 Plus
co DX-SR9T
nwood TM-D710GA
There are so many different options- I want as much radio as I can afford... I would prefer to purchase new with manufacturer's warranty, but I would
also consider a used device if it is pristine. Airband reception would be of particular interest to me, too. If anybody has any suggestions please
send them my way! I thank you in advance.