originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: mobiusmale
Maybe Trump would have more support from journalist if he didn't constantly blame them for everything bad in his campaign/life.
Maybe Trump wouldn't call "journalists" out for being biased and corrupt, if they weren't so biased and corrupt.
Love him or hate him, but he calls it like he sees it - and he warned everybody right from day one that he wasn't going to try to be politically
correct, or tip-toe around sensitive issues that need to be addressed, like:
1) Radical Islamic Terrorism, and its threat to America (even if that offends some Muslims and apologists)
2) The need for secure borders, and to enforce Immigration laws (even if that offends Illegal Immigrants and apologists)
3) The need for Fair Trade Policies to protect American jobs (even if that offends Globalists and multi-national Corporations)
4) The need to expose and correct Government corruption (even if that offends Democrat and Republican insiders and their handlers)
5) The need to balance Environmental concerns with Economic imperatives (even if that offends Global Warming warriors)
6) The need to have international security partners pull their own weight (even if that offends NATO members and Middle-East Dictators)
7) The need to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will uphold the Constitution (even if that offends the Left, who think that the Supreme Court should
legislate from the bench...a leftist agenda of course)
8) Pointing out the abysmal conditions in America's inner cities and former economic powerhouses...like Detroit (even if that offends some African
Americans and Hispanics - and myriad Democrat city bosses)
8) Pointing out the rampant anti-conservative bias of the Media, which is supposed to serve as an impartial bastion of the truth, and to report to the
American public what is really going on within Government - as an additional check/balance against corruption and the abuse of citizen's rights
Well, in a couple of weeks, the American people will get to decide what direction they want to go in. Maybe it will go down as planned...and the
Hillary cabal will maintain power, will protect itself from all criminal repercussions, will continue to sell the US out to the highest bidder, until
there is nothing but a shell of a Country left (but the Clintons will be billionaires by then...if they are not already, counting their Off-Shore
Accounts...so this will be of no consequence to them).
Or...just maybe...America is going to have its own Brexit moment. They will elect Trump and (if enough Republicans win to maintain majorities in the
House and Senate)...maybe...America will get back on track.