Is there a way to bump this thread for activity? I'm concidering making a new thread in light of the election results as the documentary is very
related to this issue.The hypernormalisation Adam Curtis talked about is currently in full effect in Amerika, and I'm not even sure people realize it.
The Arab Spring was a revolution engaged through the internet where thousands got together and protested against the government. Due to the nature of
our collective reality (hypernormalisation), it didn't lead to much as noone had a vision of a better future, something to grasp at and work towards
to. Then ISIS swooped in and gave them a reasonable future: Shariah Law.
What's curently happening in America:
People have been discontent with the corruption and social/economic system for a long time. It's been going on for so long, however, everyone has just
grown used to it. We know for a fact politicans lie, we know the system is rigged but nothing ever changes, because noone has a real vision of the
future. We know our system is broken from the top down: how banks print money, how money flows through coorporate chains into the pockets of
consumers, how it often hinders alot of social, economical and technological progress (It's what alot of conspiracies are about!). We all (every sane
educated human being) have known these things to be true for a long time, yet actual change never happens.
Change doesn't happen because noone knows a better a future. Our modern Western world (the past 30 years) has never existed without the corruption we
know today. Most -if not every- attempts at alternatives (Venus Project - RBE, Occupy WallStreet, ...) fall flat because there's little to no
relatability to our current lives. We struggle to, physically, imagine what our collective utopia would look like, and we've sorta given up. It's
going to be Iphones, Facebook, Twitter or simply put just plain pursuit of whatever our society has become for the rest of history, including the
corruption. Voting Clinton was, without a doubt, more of the same.
People protested against the establishment by voting on Trump. I have no doubt that if it was Bernie Sanders vs Trump, Sanders would've won easily.
But Trump played the "The System is Rigged" card against Hillary to victory. In no small part, might I add, due to the release of wikileaks aka the
internet. Trump promises the end of corruption, a "fair" system (which I'm affraid is impossible under capitalism), and as a whole just rode on the
massive wave of people wanting change to his precidency.
Unfortunately, Trump also doesn't have a clear vision of this better future. He claims better trade deals, a Great Wall, brining manufacturing back
and so on, but we all know that currently at Trump quarters, they're going: "Euhm, so yeah, we won, what the # are we going to do now?" I'm sure
they'll have millions of fine details they can start working on...
Because Trump offers no little to no tangible reality of what his future looks like (And I'm going to assume most Hillary voters assume he's got no
clue what he's doing), it scares/angries them leading to the current conflict.
I hope I'm not the only one who can see the analogy here, as I think it's what hypernormalisation is about.
edit on 9-11-2016 by Vechthaan
because: (no reason given)
edit on 9-11-2016 by Vechthaan because: (no reason given)