posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 09:15 AM
Hey guys,
Just thought id drop in for a chat about a recent "experience" me and my partner shared.
So the other night, i was reading through some of ATS top posts, and there is one on there about a user who had experienced Astral Projection after
reaching out on ATS.
After reading the post, i mentioned it to my girlfriend (Who was completely skeptical) and we joked about trying it, we both agreed "what the hell"
and looked on youtube for a "talk through video"
In this video its the normal mediation spiel, to relax us and put us in a meditated state. for some reason i was struggling, felt an itch and it
wouldnt let me completely engulf myself in the instructions.
Although my partner on the other hand, about 10 minutes in kind of jolted awake, with a rather freaked out look on her face. Claiming she was engulfed
in a white light, and also seen a really bright light infront of her, she was rather freaked out and wanted me to shut the video off..
Im intreigued to see what your thoughts are on this, normally im very susceptible to meditation but i wasnt in the right mind frame, but my girlfriend
seemed to have experienced something that shook her up.
PS. is it useful to use a guided video to achieve this
edit on 17-10-2016 by AMNicks because: (no reason given)