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Bush Says Iraqi Weapons Sites Were Looted

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posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 06:25 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush, trying again to explain the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, said on Saturday that suspected arms sites had been looted in the waning days of Saddam Hussein's rule....

Full Story

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 06:29 PM
I don't think this would apply to 'all' but it is a significant problem. The looting applied to public and military facilities....the UN compounds were even looted to a great degree.

As to actual WMD being possibly there and then 'looted', thats a tough one. Too many variable's that could be implied.


posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 06:37 PM
It's possible that they were looted. Possible that they weren't.

Bush isn't doing himself any favours by giving another excuse, whether it's true or not. He should have released this idea earlier or let it die.

To the onlooker it makes him look like he doesn't know what is going on. The looting is long over. The US would have formed the idea that the weapons were looted and that it could be used as propaganda to appease the population, ages ago. They could have used this excuse long ago.

It looks like they've just saved this looting excuse to gain them time.

Either way it does nothing at all to serve to enlighten us. It confuses the issue more and is therefore junk politics.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 06:56 PM
Do you guys think that maybe the Iraqi Regime sold some of their weapons to Al-qeada, and then burned important documents and whatever else before hauling arse to Syria? Or maybe it can just be that they're buried 75 ft below the sand in the middle of the desert somewhere, you got to leave all options open I guess.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 07:18 PM
They are plotting...waiting. I bet the majority of the weapons are underground...somewhere near the Tigris. Easily transported into Seria.

These kind of people dont just sit back and forget what's going on around most americans.

They have fire and revenge in their blood. Its a blessing for them when they send their children off to get blow up. No soul.

Im possitive they will strike again, not only in Iraq but in NYC. Hopefully this time we will be on guard.

Actually, I have to commend the cops near the Battery Tunnel , Brookyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge. I take those routes to get into the city sometimes and I always see the police check every van/ truck/car.

Who the hell knows.

I dont even watch BBC or Fox anymore. These are better informative web sites, they have great photos as well

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 07:39 PM
Nowadays there is not even a need for a treasure map all one needs to hide something, any place one want to hide it and make sure you find it later. Is those devices which provide longitude and latitude of any location via satellite, dig a nice deep hole kill everyone who knows about it and memorize the location.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 09:10 PM
they were never there to begin with!
they were destroyed in the bombings!
or maybe even sold at mc donalds?
me be thinkin nay damnit. the thing to remember with weapons of mass destruction is that they can be anywhere. it's not like we're talking buildings here. a wmd could easily be hidden in an old rusty truck that looks err, old and rusty. people are lookin in the wrong places. not where they're made, but look rather where they'd do the most damage. if ya find a warhead in the middle of the desert, and blow it up, ya there'll be a few roasted camels. but if it's hidden in the middle of a city, and trust me when i say when you're dealing with saddam, these people don't give half a damn about who they blow up as long as somebody dies, it'll do a lot more damage. i think the wmds are in the city with captain custard himself. saddam isn't in syria, he's in iraq. where? who knows. it's not like he'll be biting our balls anytime soon.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 10:08 PM
Well there's no doubt about it, people are hell bent on killing American's, they're praised in their homelands for killing American's. What we really have to concentrate on is the terrorist�s cells that have migrated into the country. Yeah it would be nice to hear Sad� am and his sons are dead but the real priority is preventing another 9/11 like incident to happen in this country. If another big attack happens, we'll somehow connect it to Syria or something and there will be another war. The WMD of Iraq and Sad� am will come and can wait; right now we must keep the American people safe.

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