posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 06:29 PM
originally posted by: Lithicalus
Also, the price of gold should be moving up, they use a lot of it and demand just went up big time. Of course we will never see it.
originally posted by: gpols
It's going to go up even more if they implement that rumored gold ban.
a reply to:
In answer to the Thread title, 'they' won't get rid of cash until 'they' have all the gold.
If electronic transactions (using whatever 'unit' is devised), are shorted out via EMP or whatever, 'they' will revert to trading with eachother in
'They' are heading toward 'cashless' economics but first, 'they' need to convince 'us' that we do not need cash and only 'criminals' will continue to
transact without involving the 'authorities'.
Already, any large cash transaction is treated as suspicious. The excuse used by banks and governments for their prying into the private financial
management/affairs of the individual is 'combating' money-laundering and tax evasion. Ordinary people have been sucked into this in a big way, handing
authority to the banks to collect their pay and pay their bills for them etc. Because the majority now use these 'services', the minority who do not
are treated as suspicious with the implication they must be criminal.