posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to:
There are TWO sides to any argument, there are patriot's on both sides of this particular argument.
Now to the nitty gritty, there are vested interest's whom want a war and to be frank in my opinion it is not Russia that is pushing though they will
push back, there are some very wealthy interests in the west that see an upside from a war no matter how devastating it is as they believe it will
enable them to enact emergency power's, suspend free speech, bring in new laws to control the population and enact further martial law style powers to
there re-imagined national police forces.
So these power's are pushing for a war and doing so with intent.
Nuclear war will likely not affect them in there cosy installation's just depopulate the earth and bring it closer to there ideal of a clean slate
upon which they can then build there fantasy utopia (from there perspective with themselves as the new imperial nobility of a world empire).
They are pushing, Russia will push back with China coming on side despite there own fractious relationship and history of petty wars between
themselves and that equal's war - China may also use the opportunity to sieze much of the empty territory or Russia claiming they are there to help
but with no intention of ever leaving?.
Just a matter or time my friend.