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Trump declares himself free from ‘shackles’ — and threatens to burn the GOP to the ground

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posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: desert

Political power in this nation has drifted rightward since 1980. However, what we see currently fighting for political power in the GOP with Bannon is right wing totalitarianism, Bannon's fanatical far right totalitarian ideology that his alt right empire has spread. Again, everyone to his right is "liberal". And, remember, Hitler didn't just put Jews to death.

I was originally a Goldwater Republican. Although, I was too young to vote for him as president.

I'm not a pacifist. I'm more of a "Get it done, end it, rebuild". These wars going on and on for 30+ years are just plain nuts. People living in complete uncertainty and instability generation after generation.

Full Equal Rights should be supported by both parties. Religion should not be political.

IMO the major difference in parties should be all areas relating to Fiscal. How much we spend, what we spend it on, etc.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Thank You , olaru. I mean it. It offers me a small sliver of hope that this insanity will be turned around.

But, what will happen the day after? Will every conservative to the left of the alt right thinking repudiate it AND NOT BACK DOWN. Will anyone who remains in the GOP refuse to give in to their fringe zealots, as William F. Buckley told them to do 50 years ago? Will the RP refuse to allow any far right wing nut to run for office with an "R" after their name? If not, then we will be back to square one.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Annee

There was a time when parties could work together to get things done. I used to be able to cross party lines to vote. That is impossible now, because, even when a few Congresspeople can manage to cross party lines to work on a bill, it never goes far, stopped cold dead.

Any ATS member who cannot remember or has visited this thread needs to look backward to see how we got to this point:

"Damn The Country, Obama Must Fail"

Oh, Annee, BTW, I used to listen to William F. Buckley, Jr., on tv. I may not have agreed with him always, but it was always enlightening to listen to two opposing minds discuss. Not the trash talk that passes for "discussion", "debate", today. Idiocracy.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:05 PM
D, I know a lot of Republicans and they full well see what Trump has done and they don't like it.

They don't want the apple cart upset and the Donald is treading on very dangerous ground.

He may believe his own BS now but the come to Jesus meeting is already on his schedule.

Set your mind at ease...Even on the outside chance he gets elected he will be ineffectual as any politician and will punk out to their slightest whim.

Zappa was right...Politics is just the entertainment arm of the MIC and to those guys, Trump is a clown.

edit on 12-10-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: olaru12

That sliver of hope just got bigger. Well, this nation certainly is having a come to Jesus moment right now.

Remember that 1983 movie, "The Day After"? I think after Nov 8 we will be looking at a national "the day after".

Hey, I saw Frank Zappa and Arlo Guthrie together at the Hollywood Bowl in the early 1970s. olaru, if I go senile and think that I am living in those days, will you promise to let me just be?

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: desert
a reply to: Annee

There was a time when parties could work together to get things done. I used to be able to cross party lines to vote. That is impossible now, because, even when a few Congresspeople can manage to cross party lines to work on a bill, it never goes far, stopped cold dead.

Any ATS member who cannot remember or has visited this thread needs to look backward to see how we got to this point:

"Damn The Country, Obama Must Fail"

Oh, Annee, BTW, I used to listen to William F. Buckley, Jr., on tv. I may not have agreed with him always, but it was always enlightening to listen to two opposing minds discuss. Not the trash talk that passes for "discussion", "debate", today. Idiocracy.

It was different back then. You could listen to different ideas - - - without feeling like the Right Wing "Carnival Barkers" were screaming in your face.

I listened to Buckley, Nadar, even Bishop Sheen.

The Republican Party left me. They are just flat out insane now.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:40 PM
my conspiracy feelers are thinking there is a strong possibility hillary and donald teamed up to bring down the GOP. would be the scam of the century if that is what they intended.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
The DNC is united, as an obscene amount of money, a political machine that knows how to run a winning campaign. They elected a Black man for president. Something I never thought we would see in America.

Funny how even today some people still hate that fact, claiming Obama's BC was forged (some of those people even post their crap here)... even Trump claimed he had sent people to Hawaii to investigate, and he claimed they found:-

Self-proclaimed birther Donald Trump is now so doubtful of President Obama's birthplace that he's sent a team of his own investigators to Hawaii in hopes of getting to the bottom of the issue. That's according to Trump himself, who, in an interview with NBC, warned his investigators just might uncover "one of the greatest cons in the history of politics and beyond." "I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump said an interview that aired Thursday Morning. Asked if he has assigned people specifically to search in Hawaii, Trump said, "Absolutely."

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: desert

Hey, I saw Frank Zappa and Arlo Guthrie together at the Hollywood Bowl in the early 1970s. olaru, if I go senile and think that I am living in those days, will you promise to let me just be?

Ahhh, "Joe's Garage" and Mary, she was such a good girl.

I was engaged to a jazz saxophonist at the time. Really interesting times. I broke it off before the wedding.

Manhattan Transfer - - is my fave.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: desert

I think it started before Obama - - with the destruction of Bill Clinton.

And the Swift Boating of Kerry.

The PNAC was founded in 1997.

The Far Political Right is just plain insane.

edit on 12-10-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: desert

Hey, I saw Frank Zappa and Arlo Guthrie together at the Hollywood Bowl in the early 1970s. olaru, if I go senile and think that I am living in those days, will you promise to let me just be?

I promise. I think saw the same show at Winterland in SF or maybe the Filmore. Still a bit hazy....

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:57 PM
It's almost like a coup. That's fine, but this is by the wrong person, and for Alllllll the wrong reasons.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 07:02 PM
I think that if Trump blows up the Republican Party, there will be a better opportunity for a third (or fourth) party run. I think what remains of today's Republican Party could re-name themselves The New World Order Party. We'd probably see a lot of defections to that group from what is currently the Democratic Party.

Give me back the Tea Party please.

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
Trump declares himself free from ‘shackles’ — and threatens to burn the GOP to the ground

It's already choking on it's own spew!
Good riddance!

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 04:58 PM

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 09:31 PM
This is an old one, but it might be appropriate for this thread.


posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: desert
a reply to: olaru12

. IMO Trump wants to get rid of "establishment" RP members but keep the GOP as an entity.
This is a "hostile takeover", or, a mutiny.

Trump may not have started out with this in mind,

vanquishing the left.[/url]"
This is totalitarian evil.

Is it that evil, desert? To create a platform so repugnant to neocons,
blue tinged GOPers like the ilk of Boehner and other RINOs to actually
force them to endorse and support Hillary? Case in point, Bush 41.

The establishment is only one color; and I believe Trump is just attemp-
ting to clean house of dangerous progressives in order to bring back
the Party of Lincoln. Establishment or not, he's been getting pounded
this cycle from every possible direction and he's still in there.
The only caveat now is, how gruesomely totalitarian WAS Lincoln?
And even more, how much does what Trump is doing right now a monkey
wrench of novel proportions on the gravy train gears that already ground
us up?

This after everybody (and everything else) has fallen off the clown car.
If this cycle is all scripted, controlled opposition: and a post-teen werewolf
is the only alternative to a super warmongering nightmare...
his doggie biscuit must be bigger than Texas. It'd take that much to buy me
off with the wallet I'm letting my daughter hold while I'm a mere POTUS.

"Why be Governor of New York when you can be Mayor of New York City?"
Guess who spat that one out, decades ago......
edit on 15-10-2016 by derfreebie because: Different is bad now... I'd monitor that one closely.

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: ipsedixit

I loved that pix!! lol Says it all !!

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