Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, October 24, 2008
Former counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke told CNN yesterday that Osama Bin Laden would attempt to influence the 2008 U.S. election with a
terrorist attack or the release of a video tape, an October surprise to replicate that of 2004 when Bin Laden swung the election for Bush.
“At the moment, as far as I can tell, the FBI, other intelligence agencies, do not have any credible information that would lead them to believe an
attack might take place. Why are we asking this, though?” said Clarke.
“Because in 2004, bin Laden did try to influence the US election. Whether or not he succeeded, who knows? But he issued a video tape on Halloween, a
few days before the election, that implied that he supported Senator Kerry.”
“He knew, that if he seemed to be supporting Senator Kerry, that would help President Bush. And it did.”
That's an executive summary. It's a good thing to be aware of, and to view current events in a proper light.
Not to make a short thread or a long thread, but I'll fill in some thoughts and ideas as the threads develops. It's some crazy stuff. We are all so
much more sophisticated now!
The backstory, for me is wondering if we will ever see any Snowden/Wikileaks about 9/11, so my feelers are twitching on this subject.