First of all I personally cant stand Trump OR Hillbilly OR Paul Ryan,, we don't have a choice now unless the country votes Stein and it doesn't look
like its happening. So I have to vote for Trump or Stein and I will buy Garys edibles but I will NEVER support the Clintons. Trump and Hillary are
BOTH absolutely disgusting. Although, in the video/audio Trump was talking major crap to a younger guy , really perverted stuff BUT the when the girl
shows up the other guy has to ask her to hug Trump, so it was all bullsh what Trump was saying, if it were true then hundreds of women would be coming
forward just like Bill Clintons rape victims did.
So now I ask myself, what factors would I take away from Trump or Hillary to make them palatable, Trumps would be things he says, Hillarys
would be things she has actually done and is planning. Its easier for me to just stick to policy and her policy flat out will RAISE our income tax,
she doesn't deny it, his will bring them down, maybe both would be a failure I don't know, I do know she had a chance to change it and didn't. She
wants to bring in millions of people, would you rather battle for a job against 2 people or 22 people ? I also have a problem with equality and the
fact that some think they are owed, I don't feel the same but we do need strict entitlements . Trump will destroy and hopefully rebuild the republican
party, make it a party that doesn't hate gays, hate anyone not religious and basically a cool version of what it was although led by a bad example it
cant hurt for what they are. I would suggest an honest democrat come along and do the same on their side, not calling Trump honest. Trump was a
democrat and Hillary was a republican, Trump was actually docile in his old videos, Hillary was a ranting hillbilly. I wish Trump was the old quiet
philosophical Trump, we just don't hear about that any more from him.
On topic, Paul Ryan and the other holier than thou anti Trump republicans make me sick. John mcCaine even said he would write in Lindsey Graham,
cmon man seriously? Not that their 8 votes will make a difference, thing is , we ALL KNEW Trump has a fetish for hot women, he wrote about it in his
books, so talk about someones life beong AN OPEN BOOK and he talks crap about MEN AND WOMEN so that's NOT sexist, its just being a butthole, his
comments on the bus definitely were sexist. They all knew this. Im sure Trump is sorry that he isn't as perfect as Paul Ryan hating gays and being a
perfect Christian meatball like McCain or a milk hating nutbag like Romney, nah he isn't lol
I plan to vote democrat instead of anti Trump pubs if given the chance for senators and house leader and I will vote Trump unless Jill busts out in a
month and that doesn't look like it is going to happen. I like Jill because she isn't partisan, she says that Hillary has done many times the things
people are afraid of Trump doing. I wont vote Paul Ryan or the others, Im sorry I don't dig people that are so perfect as to never have a mean or
sexual thought. I have lots of those, I don't think the way Trump does but for me to down him about his comments and way of thinking whatever, Im
being a hypocrite because Ive actually probably done worse, not the same way as him but different. So it comes down to language vs actions on that one
for me, if the Anti Trump pubs don't get that one then they don't get my vote.
Does it make anyone else sick when they hear an old school republican ranting about how much they hate gay marriage ? Or an old scumbag democrat lying
about things we know they did ? Sick of them sporting actors or priests ," hey look this person likes me you should too" ? I am so offended by that,
especially actors, people who made money pretending to be someone else. They both do it too. Hopefully Trump changed in his old age, some men do, some
men even go from str8 to gay in their old age or vice versa. I hope so because if she wins and with help from the anti pubs then we are screwed. Im
not just saying that, Hillary is crazy, not offensive and loud like Trump, she is CRAZY ! Ill take the loud and offensive over crazy and I hope the
anti forces are screwed, same for any anti Hillary democrat politicians,,,YOU KNEW.
edit on 11-10-2016 by beeeyotch because: (no reason