As a little time went by, and i have some space to gather informations, i will do this today and tomorrow and post the news.
As i read now, we are now at 2kg of explosives, but only 500g were found...
I will now check all the illogical informations, psreaded by our "security forces" and the MSM.
The whole timeline of the event, the official statements to the events, are completely different.
We have from "no evidence for IS ties" to "fast-radicalized IS terrorist" to radicalized by Imam from Berlin" over "no concrete evidence for any
target of a terror attack" to first "trains as targets" to now "a Berlin airport as concrete attack target".
We have our "Masterchief" of the Verfassungsschutz, Maaßen, in two inzerviews, telling two different stories.
First he said that the Verfassungsschutz was aware of al Bakr since the beginning of september. Because of findings and informations from secret
service circles, "security" circles. I even read, at that time, that this informations came from foreign secret services. After this informations they
tried to identify(?) and localize him, as he said. And that they were successful at Thursday(!) before the failed arrest. (Btw, the whole desaster is
described as great triumph of the "security" forces by Maaßen, many politicians and the MSM xD).
In another interview he said that they were able on friday, to identify and localize al Bakr...
Then we have Andre Hahn in an interview with BR2, vice chairman of the parliamentary control committee of the secret services, saying that al Bakr was
under surveillance for a longer time.
The Spiegel:
Middle of september: First informations arrive at Verfassungsschutz and BND. He is accused to have ordered chemicals via the web. He is under
surveillance. He was able to take shelter at Khalil A´s appartment in Chemnitz.
Friday(!): The Verfassungsschutz is able to identify and localize him ruffly, and informed the police.
An observation since the mid of september would make sense now, after they know now, suddenly, that al Bakr travelled for one day to Berlin, "to check
out the airport..."
I travelled to Duesseldorf the other day. So it is a must to think that checked the airport in Duesseldorf, isn´t it?
In an interview on monday after the failed arrest Maaßen talked about the security measures that were taken on friday(again not thursday, like in the
first interview) before the attack. That they knew from "security circles" that al Bakr wanted to attack trains, then this information concretized to
an Berlin airport, somehow. He said that his agency had informations about al Bakr having contact to the "IS". What was put into perspective by
himself the next day, in an interview with the ZDF. Now he only is talking about "good reasons" to think that al Bakr maybe had contact to the
Furthermore he said that the Verfassungsschutz noticed that al Bakr ordered chemicals via the web. The problem here is the version of the Attorney
General, from the 10th of octobre, where Khalil A, the owner of the appartment, ordered the chemicals. More over his version says, or said at the 10.
10., that there are NO findings for a concrete target of al Bakr`s alleged bomb attack.
The question about which "security circles" it have been, that gave the informations to the Verfassungsschutz, is "answered" only very vague by him,
with "Police", "intelligence services" from germany and europe. Respectively the exchange with partners. Where did that news about foreign
intelligence services come from, that was reported by the MSM?
There is one "journalist" that brought the US americans into the game. Florian Fade from the Springerpresse´s WELTonline. It´s Springerpresse, one
of the biggest transatlantic, US loudspeakers and opinion makers. Not to trust, but maybe they were right, because of their transatlantic contacts.
Who knows, nothing in this story is to take serious anymore, especcially for the official versions, the different ones. He said that US intelligence
had tapped into mobile telephone conversations of al Bakr. Withou giving any source for this assertion.
Including the alleged calls to the "IS" contact persons in syria. They heard allegedly that 2kg of explosives were ready. And they allegedly heard
that al Bakr named a Berlin airport would be better than trains, as a target. And that this calls were the reasons for the security officials to take
action at saturday, the following day. In this WELT story, there were allegedly two detonators, screw-nuts, glue, metal pipes and 1kg of chemicals,
that could be use to build TATP, were found. Do you miss something, like i do? Don´t forget that one version tells us they found a suicide bombers
vest, almost ready built, only the "uninsurable" hot melt glue was missing, that is needed for every bomb vest...
"Following our experiences, hot-melt glue is usual with persons that want to do suicide attacks, to build the vests..."(Maaßen)
I have problems now to stop laughing again...
So, allegedly 2kg of explosives were ready built, only 500g of the explosives were found, one suspect was on the run(possibly with the rest of the
explosives). Allegedly they even knew that al Bakr wanted to allegedly attack an Berlin airport(following one of the different official stories).
Why wasn´t that Berlin airport closed down because of a terror threat???
There are one million more questions. Now i will gather new informations, maybe too about the outcome, the coming success of the "peeping Toms", the
big brothers with their demandings for more power to big brother.
(we need a joint smiley too, i don´t drink alcohol xD)
edit on 15 10 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)