posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:46 PM
Hi all.
Yes, I think I now know why many people dream of seeing zombies wandering around, in a end time scene of desolation!
I realized that if one dreams of a future scene, one of course sees the scene. Then the memory of what is seen, is brought back to the waking mind,
upon awakening. Many future scenes are so extra ordinary that the mind fills in the blanks and assigns a meaning for what is seen.
The zombies!
Just look at all of the disaster movies you all have seen. Note that after the quake, or the Bomb, the streets might be seen to be filled with people
in shock! They wander around zombie like! Well, that is what might be seen, in a zombie dream! The walking wounded with bloody arms, one thus
translate this to a zombie seeking and drinking blood, blood drooling down his chin! The blood is drooling down his chin all right, but from a
Then the walking people are sometimes in shock. Their world is instantly gone and everyone they know and love is dead but them! They might just
stagger about with glazed eyes, for hours....days....!
Zombie like!