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This is not a Female vs. Male Election People, It is Right vs. Wrong

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posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I agree with you and all the others who have pointed out that this is an election of wrong vs wrong.

Neither one are electable, because neither is moral. Choosing either one makes the voter complicit in whatever evils wind up being done by the candidate who wins, so unless you want to be complicit in a war crime, unless you want to support the hegemony, unless you want to be part of the problem, rather than its solution, you will vote neither of these halfwits into office

I was haveing a discussion about this last night with some avid Hilliary supports, and when it came down to it, the only argument they could stand on to support her was that Trump is just so evil. If only I had had your words then, for it seems most people I know have narrow-mindedly accepted the hegemonic attitudes of the mainstream media and just found the poison that fits them best.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: AlienView

We're down to 2 people we have to hire to do a job.

One has a history of saying bad things.

The other has a history of doing a bad job.

Simple really.

Who do you hire?

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:18 AM
Currently, corruption is being exposed in this administration at the top from Obama lying about the emails to the cover up by the FBI. Destroying those Laptops, and emails etc etc.

Are we as a nation so corrupt at our core, that we would chose these reprobate people to step back into the Whitehouse to run our country? Are we afraid our comfortable lives will be threatened if Trump takes office? Are you worried that he might stop the policies of this Administration, because they are working for you?

No one wants to disrupt continuity in our lives. But people need to be impeached. Hillary needs to be impeached for lying to congress, and obstruction of justice. Comey has to go for destruction of Federal Evidence. If we elect Hillary to be the President, then we are saying all this corruption is OK as long as it doesnt effect us.

And if I were a man I would be so repulsed that Bill Clinton will have the honor of wearing the title of first "First Gentlemen". The man was impeached by Congress for his lewd behavior with Monica. (yes we all know it was overturned in the senate) And then lied to our faces about it.

So to me, this is about Donald Trump being a Human, making mistakes, and Hillary is pure Corrupt Evil. So, Human VS Evil. I will vote for the moron and hopefully he will completely disrupt our Govt.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:19 AM
Male vs Female....Right vs Wrong.

Either way, the answer is the same.

Trump is wrong for this country, period.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:51 AM
There is no right in this election, with the possible exception of Pence. I think he is the most electable candidate running.

What we need going forward is a thing of great debate. What we do not need is easier - more of the same. obama got himself elected on the deepest desire among the American people for "hope and change". What we got was business as usual, with a stack of executive orders on top. The promise of the most transparent administration in the history of the United States was soon to be recognized as a series of clandestine midnight meetings behind closed doors and a whole lot of "You can read it after you sign it". That is NOT what we wanted, needed, or voted for.

With that in mind, at this point the ONLY good thing I can say about this election is that Trump is not typical DC material. His only redeeming quality is that he is not part of the regular DC crowd. At least not openly. It would be foolish to think he has no ties to any of the modern power brokers. I look at Trump as the lottery winner among the "old money" crowd. He is an abrasive nobody who suddenly finds himself rubbing elbows with the elite. He is scorned and disregarded, which ends up being a mistake. Like him or loath him, his money spends just like everyone else's. And he enjoys reminding people of that every chance he gets.

As bad as that may seem, hillary is far worse. She IS DC material. She has melded with the corrupt and blended in so well it is as if they share the same DNA. She has no moral compass, no conscience, and perhaps worst of all, she truly believes she is above us all, the law included. If I had to make a clinical diagnosis of her, it would be "high functioning sociopath".

So what do we do? Vote for a guy who has no business being president because the alternative is national suicide? hillary has very openly stated that she will use executive order and stack the supreme court to disembowel the constitution. When our rights have been eviscerated and we stand naked an unarmed before the accusing eye of the almighty hillary, we will finally know how big a mistake we made.

My God, people are more worried about kim kardashian's fake hold up than about this nation and the very real dangers we face in the coming years. We are about to elect the leader who will decide how, when, and where we fall apart, and all I see on the news is killer clowns... WFT?!? Is this really what we have become?

"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper."

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: Advantage
Its wrong VS wrong-er.

I like Trump because when I was a kid I liked to put firecrackers in fire ant mounds. THATS what it would be like with Trump "in charge". Totally not a game player in that particular game. He might be a pervert but a pervert with an ENORMOUS ego and drive can do a lot of damage to the fast track to hell we are on. WHen I look back, throughout my life it was never take the good with the bad concerning every president Id seen. Its more like : make what you can out of crap.. with ANY politician. See what you can squeeze or manipulate him or her to do. Firecrackers... they cause a lot of ants to run around and totally forget what the hell they were doing one millisecond before that sucker blew. Might be just enough time to get something done productive in this country.

It's wronger vs wrongest times infinity + 1.

Terrorizing living creatures isn't what we need to be doing.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
First, there is no way in hell that Hillary Clinton would be the nominee of the Democrats if she was not a woman - The Democratic Party has transcended all sense of decency, of right and wrong by nominating a candidate whose scandal riddled past, and the scandal ridden past of her husband, former President Bill Clinton who was only the second President in US history to be impeached.

So why have the Demoncrats done this? - They will stop at nothing in their mad quest for power - power in a country that recognizes their hypocrisy
- an hypocrisy that supposedly represents the common Man, the middle class, but which in fact represents a rich class of powerful Socialists, the New World Order, the most corrupt group racketeers that ever existed - No way in Hell do they represent you - unless you are one of them.

And Hillary Clinnton wants to know about Trump's tax returns?

Let's look at Hillary's tax returns:

"Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return shows $10.6 million in income"
- Yes she did put a few million back - maybe only made 7 million

Poor, poor Hillary, champion of the middle class - What middle class?

And how did Hillary make this money?

Speeches and the Clinton Foundation - A supposedly charitable organization that has given little back in charity.

But this doesn't matter people - If you are a Demoncrat you want to win - You throw right and wrong under the bus - you know that people are not paying attention, and you spend millions, many millions of dollars baraging the mass media airwaves demonizing Donald Trump for his occasional lapse in judgement, shooting from the hip, his style, you know as a Demoncrat that you can buy the election, use feminism to your advantage and put Hillary,
The Clinton Foundation, and the New World Order, into irreversible power conrtrol
- you can put an end to the United States Constitution - You can, in fact, end the United States of America.

So what's it going to be people? Are we going to preserve the Republic of the United States of America?
- Or are we going to sell out, as the Clintons have done to the New World Order - To a World run by mobsters who answer to no one ?

And finally one quote from each candidate:


To every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future,

I say these words to you:

I’m With You, and I will FIGHT for you, and I will WIN for YOU."

- Donald J. Trump

And from Hillary Clinton we only need a short quote:

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

- Hillary Clinton

My problem with your thread is that you ignorantly assume that:

1. Women are too stupid to make rational decisions on our own without your "guidance"
2. That we're all Clinton supporters (I'm definitely NOT)

What you've done is not much different than what that moron Trump does, which is make generalized sexist statements and think that everyone will be ok with it. NO!

If you think that the only two options are Clinton and Trump, you, sir, have obviously drank the kool-aid served up by the disgusting major parties, and are an example of the sheeple voter that's destroying this nation.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: AlienView
I have only read the op but had to chime in and agree with the title, why are people so worried about the dirt on these people when the whole world is in the shi##er? That seems to be all the voters are concerened about. We need a strong leader, there is some real bad stuff going down and it seems to have taken a back seat to the personal lives of the Clintons and the Trumps. This whole election really seems to be a wool blanket pulled over our eyes to hide whats really going on. Scary as hell really

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: darepairman

Yes, and the worst of the stuff that's going down right now is happening because of people exactly like the two main candidates. Your country has two main problems right now. One is that is responsible for the creation of proxy armies and bogeymen which justify its totalitarian intelligence agencies invasion of your privacy and removal of your liberties, under the watchful eye of people like Clinton. The other problem is that your much loved business leaders, are outsourcing all they can, not because they cannot afford to make a little less per item sold, but because they are too greedy to consider it, while refusing to pass on the cost of keeping US workers in food and water to the consumer. Trump is one of them.

So both candidates represent the sickness inherent in the societal model you are living in, rather than its most noble elements. Good luck.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 03:44 PM
Yeah it's disturbing. No threads are about anything in regards to policies

There was a poster in a recent Trump sais mean things thread that asked did voting machines "Come in Pink"

edit on 9-10-2016 by ssenerawa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: AlienView

And Hillary Clinnton wants to know about Trump's tax returns?

Let's look at Hillary's tax returns:

"Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return shows $10.6 million in income"
- Yes she did put a few million back - maybe only made 7 million

Now let's compare that to Donalds $6,000 claim from 1995 and we should have a clear view of...............................
edit on 9-10-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: imjack

originally posted by: AlienView

And Hillary Clinnton wants to know about Trump's tax returns?

Let's look at Hillary's tax returns:

"Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return shows $10.6 million in income"
- Yes she did put a few million back - maybe only made 7 million

Now let's compare that to Donalds $6,000 claim from 1995 and we should have a clear view of...............................

Really ? - OK, how about this:

Former CIA Agent "The Clinton Foundation Is A Global Fraud Which Has Stolen $100 Billion!"

So Donald Trump did things to benefit his taxes - How petty when you compare him to the real pros
- the corrupt professionals, the Clintons, who are ripping off the World

“Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
– Hillary Clinton

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: AlienView
First, there is no way in hell that Hillary Clinton would be the nominee of the Democrats if she was not a woman

Her record on many issues (similar to Sanders) is one that's resonated well with the Democratic Party. If the object was to "elect a woman" there are other Democrat women who could have been put up for the vote and who would be less controversial in the eyes of the conservatives.

The trouble is that they're not very high-profile. Elizabeth Warren is the only other high profile woman I know at this time, and Elizabeth isn't running for President.

The Democratic Party has transcended all sense of decency, of right and wrong by nominating a candidate whose scandal riddled past, and the scandal ridden past of her husband, former President Bill Clinton who was only the second President in US history to be impeached.

Point: Clinton was acquitted, not impeached (and two of the issues failed to gather enough votes for impeachment).

Point: Most of the 'scandals' have been rehashing of the same issue again and again

Point: On ATS, most of the "scandal issues" come from neo-con blogs, not from actual news reporting. Any time you see a title that's crafted to incite anger or outrage, check the source -- is it a news blog that's sourced from reasonable news sources or is it just a bunch of bloggers screaming and not fact checking?

So why have the Demoncrats done this? - They will stop at nothing in their mad quest for power - power in a country that recognizes their hypocrisy - an hypocrisy that supposedly represents the common Man, the middle class,

Serious question: If your view isn't shared by most people, what makes you so sure that they want the same thing you do?

but which in fact represents a rich class of powerful Socialists, the New World Order, the most corrupt group racketeers that ever existed - No way in Hell do they represent you - unless you are one of them.

A lot of people want Social Security, Medicare, food stamps for the elderly, affordable (or free) medical care, want their roads fixed, want the government working on infrastructure, want family leave for fathers and mothers, want affordable day care, environmental protection.

And Hillary Clinnton wants to know about Trump's tax returns?

We all do.

Let's look at Hillary's tax returns:

"Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return shows $10.6 million in income"
- Yes she did put a few million back - maybe only made 7 million

So...she paid about 33% tax?

I wonder how much Donald paid. People praised him for paying nothing. If she paid and he didn't then either she's a fool for paying or she's a saint for paying when she could have dodged it all.

Poor, poor Hillary, champion of the middle class - What middle class?

Well, summary is here but you can look at the individual records in many places.

And how did Hillary make this money?

Speeches and the Clinton Foundation - A supposedly charitable organization that has given little back in charity.

Serious question: What's the limit of money an individual should make? Do you know how much Trump charges for public appearances?

you spend millions, many millions of dollars baraging the mass media airwaves demonizing Donald Trump for his occasional lapse in judgement, shooting from the hip, his style,

The accusations against Trump are news sources that are sourced with tapes and transcripts - but that many of the accusations you are making are from "anonymous sources" with no accountability.

- you can put an end to the United States Constitution - You can, in fact, end the United States of America.

In one sense, the USA is ALWAYS ending.

The USA of today is not the same started by the Founding Fathers (when you could be put in prison and sold as a slave for being in debt.)

The USA of today is not the same one of the 1930's (prohibition ended for one thing)

...and so forth.

So what's it going to be people? Are we going to preserve the Republic of the United States of America?
- Or are we going to sell out, as the Clintons have done to the New World Order - To a World run by mobsters who answer to no one ?

I want affordable medical care for everyone and a lot of things you might not want ($15/hour minimum wage, infrastructure repairs, continuing social security, etc.)

And finally one quote from each candidate:


To every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future,

I say these words to you:

I’m With You, and I will FIGHT for you, and I will WIN for YOU."

- Donald J. Trump

And from Hillary Clinton we only need a short quote:

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

- Hillary Clinton

And how about giving us the full quote (or didn't your source bother in its rush to promote 'shock and horror'?) :

It was made in 2004 to a group of very wealthy Democrats who wanted her to cut taxes on the wealthy. The "rich cats" who weren't middle class:

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

Check Snopes or check her speech or any source that quotes the full statement

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Byrd

A few good points - I voted for Obama twice and normally lean to the left politically - I'm in the 47% of Americans collecting
a government check - So why would I support a Republican

The 'vast right wing conspiracy' Hillary talks about must have gotten to me - And the more research I did the more i came
up with the conspiracies facts - hard to dispute when they are presented for the world to see:

Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

Published on Nov 1, 2015 Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

The next one is a long one - but if you have the time it is most enlightening:


Published on May 20, 2016 Get the book: - Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have a seriously dark and corrupt history that netted a lot of cash. Scandals and lies are found all over the place. Clintin isn't not called Crooked Hillary and Lying Hillary for no reason. Find out all clinton scandal and more here! Unfortunately most Americans are clueless, thankfully we have this documentary to shed some light on their actions. Share it with your ignorant friends and family!

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: AlienView

The Continuation of the Free Democratic Republic of the United States of America is More Important than Any Individual . You Hear that Democrats ? Hillary Obviously does Not Believe in that , therefore She is Unworthy .

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: AlienView

It's a Female thing, alright.

We would have a new SCOTUS justice, already, if the two colluding parties weren't colluding to hold the female-vote hostage.

The two parties want Hillary. Even Trump wants Hillary.


posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: AlienView
A few good points - I voted for Obama twice and normally lean to the left politically - I'm in the 47% of Americans collecting
a government check - So why would I support a Republican

The 'vast right wing conspiracy' Hillary talks about must have gotten to me - And the more research I did the more i came
up with the conspiracies facts - hard to dispute when they are presented for the world to see:

There's a huge difference between how I do my research and how you do your research, I think. I never use or watch videos; instead, I dig until I find the original documents (and transcripts) - not excerpts. The whole darn thing.

And I read them. I look at bills that have been proposed/passed/whatever and at least read the title and excerpt. I've scanned the Wikileaks emails. I read what Powell has to say. I've read the budgets where the Senate cut funding for embassies and staff. I read what I could on the original Benghazi material, including news reports of the day.

If you watch videos, there's an overwhelming number of them shouting that Hillary is evil and much fewer of them trying to counter that (because nobody believes she's a saint...any more than they'd believe you or I were saints.) So if your research point is the same sort of thing you tried to show me, I will argue that they're pretty biased and not accurate.

Fact check them for yourself, though. Go back to the FIRST documents and start reading.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: AlienView

The Continuation of the Free Democratic Republic of the United States of America is More Important than Any Individual . You Hear that Democrats ? Hillary Obviously does Not Believe in that , therefore She is Unworthy .

Well, when I look at her voting record, I don't see that she fails to support it. My source information is the Senate documents (for the years she's been Senator) and other White House documents for her actions as Secretary of State. I read the original material.

Perhaps you can point out the specific bills or speeches (full length, please... no one sentence quotes lifted out of context) where she fails the test?

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