posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 10:37 PM
Greetings readers of ATS™
I type this to You from My current ecological niche in the midst of Flori-Duh. Last storm the Manatees were in the golf course pond and were removed
for not paying their green fees anyways I ran across this video from 'The Young Turks'. I can't last the majority of their videos but I thought
I'd give this one a full viewing.
It provides a re-cap of their in-fighting and accusations going back and forth. The promises made and broken, the little asides. They mention the 5
affairs reported by TheEnquirer™ and also Mr. Drumpf's accusing Cruz's father being involved w/famous fall guy Lee Harvey Oswald. I read
somewhere, probably here at ATS™ where Trump was/is 'very good family friends' w/the publisher of TheEnquirer™ and that only pieces that reflect
Trump in a positive manner is ever run. I must admit I didn't do My 'due diligence' in checking to see if this was indeed a 'fact' as Trump has
said the same exact thing about The Clintons.
This guy won't make You forget Wally Cronkite but see if the actual content makes sense..