posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 01:28 AM
Disclaimer: I am agnostic atheist. I view religion as absurd, a bit like lord of the rings, but some believe its real.
Second disclaimer: I have experienced extreme paranormal experiences that basically have shattered by ability to dismiss the idea of paranormal
(beyond that, I have accumulated beliefs which are fully open to debunking, but until such a time as convincingly debunking, I will continue to
consider the seemingly given understanding by said events).
Saying the our father is absurd, unless you personally feel it helps you..and in which case, it does. any psychologist will say that (nevermind the
paranormal). If it works, it works.
But more to wht you are aiming at. In order for you to push your understanding, you would have to know the entire setup of the "game". If it was
straight forward, the it is only a 1 path win. I think that would be a tiny universe if everything required blanket equality.
I think, as the buddists think, that if there is a point, it is going to be very based on who you are, what your surroundings and vices are, and what
your intent is for this lesson. You chose your soul purpose to learn love? perhaps companionship or duty...maybe you are on earth to learn
modesty or the temptations of extravagnace and self importance, etc. If earth was a single subject classroom, it seems like a very dull place
Something to consider.