posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 11:00 PM
originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: Phage
the 2 party system needs to end.
I agree, I was so hoping that the libertrieans would exceed the support threshold to get on the debate stage this year; given the level of disapproval
Trump and Clinton have. But it didn't happen ...
So I've come to believe that the best hope I'm helping to end the 2 party system in this election would be if Trump wins.
If Trump wins it will put the Republicans in a difficult position. Being in control of the House and possibly the Senate means they are going to have
to push back against their own president. AND while they are actively fighting him; every dumb thing he does will be attributed to them as a whole by
the Democrats and by the country at large. This schizophrenic existence might prove too much for the already fracturing republican party. It might
just be what is needed to push them over the edge.
The Democrats them selves might experience some fracturing over a Trump win. The more progressive wing of the party is going to be very angree with
Clinton and moderate democrats if they can't seal the deal. They are already angree at the treatment their first choice received by the party; if the
party then losses to Trump they are going to be livid.
The current systemic relationship between Congress has with the Executive won't be able to hold under a Trump presidency. Right now we have a do
nothing Congress all to happy to abdicate power to the Executive. All our current congress cares about is scoring political points so that it's
members can be reelected. They don't care about a president who over steps his/her athority because than they can always say how they didn't aprove of
the bad thing the president did. But with a Trump presidency congress will have no choice but to take more responsibility.
A Clinton presidency will be 4 or 8 more years of what we've had for the last three or four decades. That's good for Washington and Wallstreet because
they get richer and gain more power under the current system; that's why even the Republicans don't want Trump to win. Losing the white house to
preserve the status quo is preferable to the risk Trump carries with him.
edit on 1-10-2016 by DanDanDat because: (no reason given)