posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:29 PM
Now I am not really one who believes in all those the aliens abducted me and did awful things to me. Although I will admit that I believe I may have
had contact with aliens one night, but I recall it as a rather vivid dream. I am sure you could find my record of this incident in a thread I started
on ATS. My interaction with them was definitely not awful and did not entail any probe of any sort.
But coming back to the actual content of this thread - I am sure that there is "one born every minute" and definitely many that would be quite
willing to take advantage of them. I received this rather unusual invitation today to attend a 13 day conference on becoming an Galactic Peace
Ambassador. In my previous incarnation in this life I was a diplomat but I don't recall my diplomatic training including swimming with dolphins or
communicating by telepathy with alien species. And my training definitely did not take place on the island of Hawaii at a cost of $1899.00 because the
accomodation was so fabulous. Where do they find the gullible kooks to do these courses?
"Welcome to the Galactic Peace Ambassador Seminar
The Galactic Peace Ambassador seminar involves a thirteen day intensive in-house training where participants are introduced to the various skills,
knowledge and self-awareness necessary to become an effective intermediary in extraterrestrial-human interactions. A Galactic Peace Ambassador is
equipped with the diplomatic skills to understand, communicate and negotiate with different extraterrestrial races. A Galactic Peace Ambassador is
trained to identify the presence, motivations and activities of different extraterrestrial races, and use this knowledge to promote peaceful
interactions that are beneficial to both global humanity, and interested extraterrestrial groups. The seminar will be held on the Big Island of Hawaii
which is a hub of extraterrestrial activity, and involves swimming and interacting with dolphins that are a highly telepathic species with close ties
to visiting extraterrestrial civilizations.
The Seminar organizers, Dr Michael E. Salla and Angelika Whitecliff, combine a unique set of skills in 'extraterrestrial politics' or exopolitics;
'second track' or 'citizen' diplomacy; international conflict resolution and peacemaking, extraterrestrial communications, and telempathic
interactions with dolphins, to produce a highly rewarding experience for participants. Those participating in the Seminar will emerge with a truly
unique set of experiences and insights, and be prepared for whatever contingencies emerge as humanity gradually confronts the secret reality of the
extraterrestrial presence."
There are more details on the website... its extroadinary how gullible some people think others are. Surely if you were that gullible you couldn't
afford the course?
I am sure many ATSers will be relieved to know that "There are openings still availible (sic) for this seminar for those who feel called to explore
their own ET connections in this way.