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Keith Lamont Scott's wife about Keith - "He's a killer and they should know that"

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posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: 4003fireglo

No, you made the claim, you provide the evidence.

Oh! Like in school when you're writing essays. It's in the original post in this thread. I think it's captioned "source" ya know.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: windword

I read the OP. No where did I get the impression its intent was:

...creating a public perception that the cold blooded murder of Keith Scott was justified and a needed cleansing.

'A needed cleansing'? It merely proposes a theory regarding the wife in the plot. It does not cheerlead for the final outcome. And 'cold blooded murder'? Kinda' overly dramatic?

I understand the impulse to drag a matter on to more favorable ground when grinding an ax. If we look at this OP honestly though, that dragging comes off as disingenuous.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
it was all a ploy to get rid of him ...

A SWATting played all the way through. I like the way you think, brother. Keeps ATS interesting!! S&F

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Do you need more antidotal evidence of police planting weapons?

Police-planted evidence across the nation fuels distrust of Charlotte cops

News From St. Louis To LA: Ten Cases Of Cops Caught Planting Evidence

From St. Louis To LA: Ten Cases Of Cops Caught Planting Evidence

Not sure what "antidotal" means in this sentence. Were you trying to say anecdotal? Anecdotal seems to apply more here.

And yes...I am still waiting for anything on these particular cops or police force.

I will assume from what you are posting you think all Muslims are bombers and all blacks are violent drug offenders...I mean that IS how you are trying to go about saying these guys are bad I'll draw the same conclusions for you about Muslims and blacks.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 06:34 PM
Got to concur with a previous poster... interesting OP that windword trolled massive and sucked the life out of with his nonsense.... "That's not a gun it's a leaf but they also planted a gun. I have no proof of anything but it would be impossible for him to fall onto the gun or for it to immediately be separated from him if it was next to him when he fell even though that is procedure. The police were actually the wife beaters and on steroids because some other person in a uniform was but how dare the police look up a suspects specific record before engaging them that is not ensuring officer safety that is racial profiling... they should only be able to look up whether someone is disabled or not when responding to a call or investigating something because how else will they know the person poses no danger whatsoever. Disabled people would never commit a crime. They can't even lift their arms or walk or talk or think. It doesn't matter that they told him to drop the weapon multiple times... that is a conspiracy... he was unarmed and they wanted to kill him. That is why they had a gun ready to plant with his fingerprints and DNA.. Just watch the video where you can't see his hands.. I mean really watch it.. like only look at what I see and you'll see what I see. O yeah and if you don't see what I see here are some irrelevant links that proves nothing I've claimed." *Face palm*

Such an easy job..

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Oh boy! Here it comes, like clockwork! The predictable police apologists creating a public perception that the cold blooded murder of Keith Scott was justified and a needed cleansing.

Nobody ever claimed that Mr. Scott was an angel, and it isn't Mr Scott's behavior that's on trial here. It's the police'.

I wonder how many police officers on that scene have had domestic violence issues in their own households, reported or not? I wonder if all the officers on that scene were drug tested, how many of them would not come up clean?

Again, this isn't about Mr Scott, it's about the police, their actions and their inaction.

Not sure about the police records on themselves, but I am sure on Keith's and his wife's lies. She incited these riots and even claimed he didn't have a gun.

No this is NOT about police action....this is about a violent person who claimed to even be a killer to his own family after beating them actually getting what was coming to him.

How you can still attempt to defend your position is beyond me.

All of these revelations explain why that broadcast that little girl in tears at the city council meeting.

That was propaganda, pure and simple.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: thegeneraldisarray

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Oh boy! Here it comes, like clockwork! The predictable police apologists creating a public perception that the cold blooded murder of Keith Scott was justified and a needed cleansing.

Nobody ever claimed that Mr. Scott was an angel, and it isn't Mr Scott's behavior that's on trial here. It's the police'.

I wonder how many police officers on that scene have had domestic violence issues in their own households, reported or not? I wonder if all the officers on that scene were drug tested, how many of them would not come up clean?

Again, this isn't about Mr Scott, it's about the police, their actions and their inaction.

Not sure about the police records on themselves, but I am sure on Keith's and his wife's lies. She incited these riots and even claimed he didn't have a gun.

No this is NOT about police action....this is about a violent person who claimed to even be a killer to his own family after beating them actually getting what was coming to him.

How you can still attempt to defend your position is beyond me.

All of these revelations explain why that broadcast that little girl in tears at the city council meeting.

That was propaganda, pure and simple.

Yeah...that wasn't a coached speech or anything....

I compare that to child's done in many 3rd world countries to get the children to hate from a young age....

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The gun was actually between his feet the entire time...he moved slightly forward with his foot and it was discernable at that point.

Nope, it wasn't! It was dropped by the guy with the red shirt exactly at 2:11. Video evidence is proof that the cops shot and killed an unarmed man disabled man in cold blood, then scrambled to frame him with tampered evidence.

I mean, c'mon! Who you gonna believe, the police or your lying eyes?


edit on 27-9-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: twigbaby

Why do you want us to believe that it's okay for the police to shoot and kill a nonthreatening and disabled black man for smoking a joint in his car in a parking lot??

edit on 27-9-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: windword

man you just make this sh@@ up as you go along don't ya. first it was she was talking to both the cops and him saying don't do it, when it was plain to hear she was speaking directly to him. then it was they planted the gun when you had mistaken the gloves for a gun and questioned everyone who said other wise until shown that they were indeed gloves when the one cop said get them for sealing the wound.

now your trying to say that what everyone see and knows is the gun isn't, calling it a leaf. how _____ are you?

first your using edited shots that do not show time stamps, it appears your copying and pasting them, don't you have just the basic windows sniping tool and live movie maker. but now that i've said that your gonna claim that what i post, i edited to fit my basis.

well if you go to youtube and use the slow motion settings you can do the same. i'll post pictures below from both.

okay 1st you do know that a Colt Mustang.380 is not a large frame gun, overall length is 5 1/2 ". 2nd the average mans shoe size in the U.S. 10 1/2, which is about 10 1/2 inches. see where i'm going, a 5 1/2" object could be behind a 10 1/2 object and you would never see. but wait there's more.

i used the Exclusive Video Moments Leading Up to Charlotte Shooting of Keith Scott NBC News video.
starting at the 1:06 mark, you see the cop in red standing in front of the gun,you then see step forward at 1:07 then stepping back at 1:08 you see the cop in red stepping back towards that spot you call a leaf he is looking down at it,1:06,1:07 1:08,109, 1:10 mark and you do not see it for a while. nor do you see him move his left foot, when he does it is very little if at all. even when he steps in to pick up the the gloves that were dropped, (which you claimed in another thread that they were planting a gun then)when he steps back it's wide with his right foot. if you watch his left foot during this whole time you can tell that there is something there it is just not clear, and his foot moves very little. 1:08 to 1:54. watch the video at.25 speed on youtube.

at 1: 54 he is reaching for one of the gloves that were dropped, his left heel rises just a touch and you can see something there. but wait, it's coming. again at 1:55 when he steps back he is looking down,stepping wide with his right foot.
then at the last frames of the 1:56 mark the gun becomes visible behind his left heel and is visible until the end for a full 15 seconds longer than your copy and pasted edited job that you posted.


1:56, notice here that the spot you called a leaf and everyone else says is a gun just to the right of his left foot, is right next to the white spot that is in your pictures.

and what's up with using a edited video for screen screen grabs? it is not the exact same video as the wife if someone adds sh@@ to it something to make it longer, none of the times you posted to the shots correspond with the wife's video that was released to NBC. quit going to those biased sites and copying and pasting. use your own eyes even if they lie, and stop spreading a false narrative.

and here is the video i used

edit on 28-9-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:32 AM


posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:37 AM


posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

man you just make this sh@@ up as you go along don't ya. first it was she was talking to both the cops and him saying don't do it, when it was plain to hear she was speaking directly to him.

I never claimed that Mrs Scott said to her husband "Don't do it". It's always been my contention that every time she says "don't do it" in some form or fashion, she was addressing the police. She told the police that he had a brain injury, they knew he was stoned. She told the police that he wasn't armed, that he didn't have a gun.

As far as the pictures, I screen grabbed them from the wife's video as it was posted on YouTube and used my snipping tool. I threw the screen grabs into my Windows gallery to enlarge them. I pulled the pictures that I posted from a post in another thread, not especially for this thread, so I apologize if they don't properly tell the story I'm seeing.

I'll use your ABC video, so out time stamps match.

I don't see the gun there.

No gun!

Then, BAM Clear as day!

Red shirt guy dropped the gun, while he and the black officer create a diversion by throwing black gloves around.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:01 AM
The more I think on this the more I do wonder if it was the wife that planned something. She had to know, regardless of shot or not, that this would end Keith's reign of terror on her family. if just taken in and put back in prison then nothing comes of it except he's gone.

If it went the way it actually did go then she knew it would be a massive news story and would be so crazy that nobody would ever think know of looking at her for the deed.

I do hope there is more information coming on this case soon.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I doubt that Mr Scott was in any condition to terrorize anyone, at least for the last 11 months.

Keith Scott’s mother, Vernita Scott Walker, told WCSC-TV, that he had suffered a head injury during a motorcycle accident in November 2015. She said, “He had some issues with his brain and he had two broken hips and broken pelvis broke in half and his nose was broken. It caused him to stutter his words and sometimes he couldn’t remember what he said.”

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: windword

Red shirt guy dropped the gun, while he and the black officer create a diversion by throwing black gloves around.

yeah right, like they would take that chance with all those people around recording them, and being told that they were being recorded, throwing down the gloves and then throw down a gun.

so tell me at what point do they throw down the gun what mark? the gloves come out and hit the ground between1:43 and 1: 45, the camera was on the the whole time, not only that she was standing right there behind them. she would have surly seen it being that she was paying as much attention to them as him. plus their is no way he could have picked up the gloves/glove with one hand bent over like he was and gun in his other and drop it. he would have lost his balance, and the gun would have had to bounce back to his foot bent over like he was. plus if you look at his hands there is nothing in them, they are in plain sight the whole time on camera, when he was again as i said she was right there behind them and would have seen that.

also there are more than one frame per second, the heel in your picture is not off the ground, use a movie editior and run them frame by frame and you will see, plus if you do that you will see that his foot moves just a little on from 1:54, 1:55,and 1:56, boom!

so let figure out how they could have done it, was there some kind of agreement between every officer on the force that they throw down a gun, very doubtful, no matter how many videos you post of corrupt police departments, the odds are staggering for that to happen. especially in this climate of cop hating.

did those two have some kind of secret wink, head nod, hand gesture to let the other one know when? did they know that gloves where gonna come out, and that is when to do it? remember there are people all around watching this unfold, surly someone would have seen the gun hit the ground, the odds of that not being seen is also staggering.

no your just making up some bullsh@@, because of your basis. your not seeing things and making it up as you go along because you don't want to. you want them to be guilty off what you are accusing them of.

you know what, i bet some criminals would pay good money for you to be on a jury for them, next time you get a summons, you ought to look into that. i mean i understand doubt, but the evidence is overwhelming here.

the man had a gun and didn't drop it, only fools or people with big money think they can disobey lawful orders from cops and get away with it.

edit on 28-9-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

yeah right, like they would take that chance with all those people around recording them, and being told that they were being recorded, throwing down the gloves and then throw down a gun.

But they did!

so tell me at what point do they throw down the gun what mark?

At the 1:56 mark.

so let figure out how they could have done it, was there some kind of agreement between every officer on the force that they throw down a gun,

That would be when they all started popping off "Handcuffs!" "Handcuffs!" "Handcuffs!", no less that 15 times!

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I doubt that Mr Scott was in any condition to terrorize anyone, at least for the last 11 months.

Keith Scott’s mother, Vernita Scott Walker, told WCSC-TV, that he had suffered a head injury during a motorcycle accident in November 2015. She said, “He had some issues with his brain and he had two broken hips and broken pelvis broke in half and his nose was broken. It caused him to stutter his words and sometimes he couldn’t remember what he said.” you don't want anyone to believe the police yet quote his family? He was perfectly capable of driving apparently. He could obviously stand without a cane as there are none in the video.

Anywho...feeling more and more like his wife had something to do with this....and if so I REALLY hope it comes out.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

yeah right, like they would take that chance with all those people around recording them, and being told that they were being recorded, throwing down the gloves and then throw down a gun.

But they did!

so tell me at what point do they throw down the gun what mark?

At the 1:56 mark.

so let figure out how they could have done it, was there some kind of agreement between every officer on the force that they throw down a gun,

That would be when they all started popping off "Handcuffs!" "Handcuffs!" "Handcuffs!", no less that 15 times!

Please direct us to some evidence that handcuffs is the code word for anything in the police force....

The wife did it...she planned and executed the whole thing perfectly. Got her own sick "killer" wife and child beating gun carrying husband to her 7 kids killed....

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: windword

i see no gun in either one of their hands, to say that is nothing but utter speculation and made up bul;lsh@@. show me a gun in their hands, show me the actual movement where his left hand ever came near or to the ground. it he dropped it from any height the gun would have bounced and he couldn't use his right hand reaching out the way it is seen on the video with a gun in his hand without it being seen or being able to place by his left foot. and even if it happen off camera, someone would have seen it, especially the wife who was right behind them, paying as much attention and talking to them during and after the shooting.

show me, i want to see hard facts not speculation. where is the gun in the cops hand.

edit on 28-9-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

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