posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to:
he used his entertainment platform to deliver solid, objectively verifiable facts
Did you even watch it?
Your statement alone is a total fairy-tail, let alone the narrative of the clip.
His solid objectively and verifiable facts?
'' Clinton used 1 device out of convenience ''
'' somehow, classified information ended up on her server ''
The reason people get annoyed with the whole '' Clinton did nothing wrong '' is that you ignore a number of key incidents.
here are 2 your ''solid and verifiable'' comedian didn't mention:
1. She destroyed evidence during an FBI investigation. You understand for any normal person that's a big problem right?
2. She used her Clinton Foundation as a bribe fund, to give friends of the Foundation cushy positions in government
This stopped being about ''emails'' along time ago. It is clear that she used these email systems to action her pay4play bribe fund. She's deleted the
emails because that information will put her in prison. She wants you to think this is about classification markers because (even though she did email
classified information) thats a lot better to be found out for.
you say Trump supporters have no clue?... Try looking at a Clinton supporter.. they are the same types when asked
'' did you know she destroyed evidence to hide what she was doing ''?
they answer
'' no.. its all trump conspiracies!''
edit on 28/9/16 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)