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Is it possible that all indigenous/monotheism religions all have the same god(occult/wiccan doesn't

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posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 04:32 PM
I'm sorry if I upset religious and/or spritual people. It's just that I'm studying theology and mythology(myths + dead/indigenous theology) and I'm wonder if most of the world's religions are talking about the same god. Because they have the same paraelles, with the exception of earth based or occult religions, since they worship the earth. I'm wondering is it all the same god, or what?
Please don't take offensive, I don't want anyone to believe anything until I know it's true. I'm just wondering.
Tell me what you think.
Bye Bye Bye,

[edit on 1/22/05 by BSB2005]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 06:27 PM
In a broad sense, most monotheistic religions based on the Bible or the Old Testement, have the same God. But when you start getting specific in defining the God you start having branchings into differant denominations. What starts seperating them what others would concider false teachings, or improper translations.

Knowing the differance is the Key, and through careful study you can find what is closer to the truth then others.

But the worse thing you can do is take an example (good or bad) from one religion and apply it to all.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 07:45 PM

I'm sorry if I upset religious and/or spritual people. It's just that I'm studying theology and mythology(myths + dead/indigenous theology) and I'm wonder if most of the world's religions are talking about the same god. Because they have the same paraelles, with the exception of earth based or occult religions, since they worship the earth. I'm wondering is it all the same god, or what?

can we then safely imply that by your definition that there is no part of your God
in any part of nature,the earth we live on, the air we breath ?

Is it safe then to assume that for all these past thousands of years the people who have told us that the voice of God was in the rustle of the trees
and the breeze in the grass. That you could see the face of God in the blooming of a flower,in th rainbow after a storm. all this has been a lie, a prefabrication, a ruse to get people to follow their beliefs? Surely no man or woman of God would do that!

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:53 PM
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all pray to the same God. They just have different beliefs in certian areas

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 02:19 PM
I 'm sorry, I really didn't want to offend anyone, but even if you disagree with me here, try to understand where I'm coming from.

  1. God="Trancendential Philosphy"(i.e. God is everything + some things are brians my never ever EVER understand, and takes care of you, if you take care of others.
  2. Earth based religions worship the furits of the earth, not necessary the "Person/God" who created them, and is more likely to encourage irrational and destructive philosphies.
  3. Maybe God is everything, I'm open to all kinds of ideas, just tell why you believe it's possible. If you don't want to, you don't have to. I'm just curious, that's all.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 04:25 PM
It really depends on who you ask.

I am a Pagan and so I will answer from my point of view.
It makes no sense to suppose that there are 3 or 12 or 1,987,642 “Gods” (the creative force type) out there, and that one of those Gods or creative forces made us and this planet. What were the others doing? Playing Bridge? To a Pagan, there is but one God, one creative force, and all of creation came from this Divine Being.

Different religions simply have a their own beliefs about this God and their own ways of worshiping Him/Her/It.

Now it is painfully obvious that others don’t believe the same way. Many Christians have told me that I am worshipping the wrong God, implying that there are many or that there are at least more than one. Again, to a Pagan this sounds impossible.

So it really does depend on who you ask.

1) Not all systems that classify themselves as Earth based actually worship the Earth. They simply have the view that the Earth is the source of universal energy. They see God as residing on Earth and not in some distant location.

2) I know that some of you will read my post and say, “Aren’t Pagans polytheists?”
This is where it gets deep, so I’ll try to put this into a nutshell. Pagans are usually no more polytheist than Catholics. A Catholic might believe in many holy figures - Mary, Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Pope, and any number of people who are Saints. They still believe that the real creative force, the one true power is God. Pagans may also believe in many sacred beings, but the one who created them all is still the one and only true God.
Why is one called Monotheistic and one called Polytheistic? Now there is a whole new can of worms and again:
It would depend on who you ask.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 04:58 PM
The parables, being myth, last longer than anything else in history. We may see examples of the same message spoken of in many different ways, but the message is always the same. Just like the fable about the tortoise and the hare, it isn't important that we have a rabbit in a race with a turtle as long as the notion of determined effort always is the preferred way to gain things.
I'm not too sure that indigenous theology is dead...but that's another thread.
I think the 'Creator' is the same world wide, and that the lesser gods in the pantheon are simply 'family'.

But here's a notion for you, bsb2005...I've read that the creator was a renegade god, part of another pantheon, who was chastised for the creation he made and was forced therefore to 'tend' it as punishment by the true God, the Father of Light.

[edit on 23-1-2005 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 05:14 PM
Yes i belive most 60% share same GOD and dont know it,

Perfect example is noah or gilgamesh , there are accounts of a noah figure every where, but all call him by different names.

Same strory different names.

to broad of a topic to cover here just look up other religoins creation stories for instance.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:08 AM

Earth based religions worship the furits of the earth, not necessary the "Person/God" who created them, and is more likely to encourage irrational and destructive philosphies.

please provide your sources/ basis for this statement.

I think the 'Creator' is the same world wide, and that the lesser gods in the pantheon are simply 'family'.
yes or possibly aspects of the same creator. like if you walk around a mountain you never see the same view of the mountian from 2 different places.

But here's a notion for you, bsb2005...I've read that the creator was a renegade god, part of another pantheon, who was chastised for the creation he made and was forced therefore to 'tend' it as punishment by the true God, the Father of Light.

I have 3 passages to this effect at hand if you would like them.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:11 PM
I'm a sucker for debates politics or spritual, but I just wanted to understand if agree with me or not, and why? That's all.
I'm sorry if I upset anyone viewing or posting. Just let me know, thanks.

Also, I find it interesting that in 100 of years, the Backstreet Boys(BSB) fanfiction may be more remebered than the president. Because they are more revered by people than he is. If you want to get idea of how myths are made their fan fiction is a good place to start, and a lot cheaper than a romance novel.

Just let me know what you think about either, the BSB thing was just a side thought.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:17 PM
Certainly I'd like to see them, stalkingwolf...I drew my understanding from the Sumerian legends that I've kinda dabbled in.
You could u2u me, if you like...but I do think they're pertinent to the thread itself, so include them here and score a couple of points in the process.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:43 AM
Hypostasis of the Arcons,

[ because of his] power and his ignorance [and his arrogance]
he said..., " It is I who am God; there is none [other apart from
me]." When he said this he sinned against [the Entirety]. And
a voice came forth from above the realm of absolute power,
saying, " You are mistaken, Samael," which means " god of the blind"

On the Origin of the World
... he boasted continually, saying to (the angels)... I am God, no other
one exists except me." But When he said these things, he sinned
against all of the immortal ones... when Faithsaw the impiety of the chief ruler,
she was angry.... she said, "You err, Samael (blind god)." An enlightened,
immortal humanity exists before you.

Secret Book of John

in his madness ... he said, "I am God and there is no other God beside me,"
for he is ignorant of ... the place from which he had come.... And when he saw
the creation which surrounds him and the multitudes of angels around him
which had come forth from him, he said to them, " I am a jelous God, and there
is no other God beside me." But by announcing this he indicatedto the angels that
another God does exist; for if there were no other one, of whom would he be

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